Every Genshin Impact version 1.3 character, ranked
Is Zhongli a good character after version 1.3? Could Xiao top the list?

Genshin Impact has a ginormous roster. Your party can be joined by nearly 30 characters. That number continues to grow steady additions to the game like the version 1.3 update, which added Xiao and overhauled Zhongli. As the game has grown, once overlooked characters, like Bennett and Sucrose, moved up the ladder as their proper use has been discovered. Tons of placements have shifted since launch.
We made this list by referencing forums like the game's dedicated subreddit and the editorial opinions of the Inverse gaming team. Inverse previously ranked every character in Genshin Impact version 1.0 then version 1.1. Now, we've updated our views, taking into account all the updates and changes that have come into play since version 1.1. This is the definitive Genshin Impact tier list.
It's also worth noting that many C-tier characters are still viable additions to your team, they're just not ones you should go out of your way to obtain.
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All the Dragonspine folks in one picture.
Amber-tier characters in Genshin Impact
30. Amber (Pyro, Bow)
- Amber, so free and so flawed. Unless you're lighting totems, Amber's usefulness equals a mannequin's ability to walk. By that I mean, it's impossible ... without using overwhelming dark magic that isn't intended for this world.
C-tier characters in Genshin Impact
29. Noelle (Geo, Claymore)
28. Kaeya (Ice, Sword)
27. Lisa (Electro, Catalyst)
B-tier characters in Genshin Impact
26. Traveler (Geo, Sword)
25. Ningguang (Geo, Catalyst)
Zhongli and his pet meteor.
24. Beidou (Electro, Claymore)
- Beidou is a cool character who can create shields and spread Electro damage across the battlefield with ease. If used correctly, she's a killer, but Beidou suffers by requiring a fair amount of skill to work properly. It's awfully difficult to get her timing right.
23. Xingqiu (Water, Sword)
- Sucrose was initially overlooked by us as no more than a faux Venti. That fact remains true, but she's a far more valid replacement for Genshin Impact's best character than initially believed. Sucrose does a passable job at stunning foes, enough to get a spot on your team while awaiting Venti's arrival.
21. Barbara (Water, Catalyst)
20. Diona (Cryo, Bow)
- Diona's cutesy aesthetic might be a major creep-factor for some. However, you'd be making a grave mistake by ignoring her. Dionna is able to both heal a massive swath of your party and defend it using a shield. Both abilities are easy to activate and she's rather easy to obtain. If you need a new healer, look no further than Dionna.
19. Chongyun (Ice, Claymore)
A-tier characters in Genshin Impact
18. Traveler (Anemo, Sword)
17. Xiangling (Pryo, Polearm)
16. Xinyan (Pyro, Claymore)
- Imagine this, you're surrounded and taking damage from every angle. If you activate Xinyan's Elemental Skill, you can engulf yourself in a firey shield that'll stop further damage from reaching you. All this to say, Xinyan is an excellent support character.
15. Bennett (Pyro, Sword)
- Bennett has two t's and two n's in his name because he's constantly performing double duty. He's a solid support character that will buff your party no matter their health. If they have above 70 percent health, he'll grant an attack boost. Those with less than 70 percent health will be healed.
14. Albedo (Geo, Sword)
- If you need a secondary DPS for your team, Albedo is a great route to go. His skillset is balanced, allowing him to support you in numerous tactics, but he won't push your party to the top like other characters might.
Top tier Genshin Impact pals.
13. Mona (Water, Catalyst)
12. Jean (Anemo, Sword)
11. Fischl (Electro, Bow)
10. Zhongli (Geo, Polearm)
- After being overhauled in version 1.3, Zhongli is fantastic. He's a boon to any Geo-centric team. While he began as a support character, Zhongli's buffs have placed him closer to a support DPS/ Hybrid, excelling in both categories. He's placed a bit lower because Zhongli does need a Geo team to thrive.
9. Keqing (Electro, Sword)
8. Ganyu (Cryo, Bow)
- Ganyu is a highly effective sniper. She works great as a support character. Using Ganyu's Cryo skills, you can easily freeze foes then trigger a melting effect by following up with a Pyro attack. Her Elemental Burst will grant you a huge AoE Cryo attack, too.
7. Klee (Pyro, Catalyst)
S-tier characters in Genshin Impact
6. Tartaglia / Childe (Hydro, Bow plus Polearm-ish)
5. Razor (Electro, Claymore)
4. Qiqi (Ice, Sword)
3. Diluc (Pyro, Claymore)
2. Xiao (Anemo, Polearm)
- Xiao is amazing. He comes with an unreasonably high critical hit rate that will allow you to trivialize most tasks in Genshin Impact. He's easily the most crucial character to get your hands on since Venti appeared when the game launched.
1. Venti (Anemo, Bow)
For any character that wasn't described in detail that you'd like to see our opinions on, please read our original Genshin Impact tier list.