5 Game-Changing Features for iPhones and iPads in the iOS 12 Beta 6
iOS 12 is nearing its final form.

Only a week after Apple shipped a patch to the iOS 12 beta, it’s back with another update, the fifth public and sixth developer beta to go live since the software’s release. Thankfully, this latest version feels like iOS 12 is starting to near its final form.
While bugs are a normal part of any soft launch, this latest version might be the cleanest yet. Combine that with an overall boost to performance and the release of some capabilities announced at WWDC 2018, and you get a sense that the software is nearly ready for the upcoming September iPhone announcement.
If you want to give this new software a test drive before its official launch, there’s still time to sign up for both the public and developer beta programs. This way you can have an idea of what will be coming with 2018’s iPhones.
1. iOS 12 Beta 6: Books App Has Never Looked Better
Both the Books and Stocks apps were slated to be completely revamped according to announcements made at this year’s WWDC. The investment application got its facelift in a previous beta version, but now Apple has unveiled a stunning redesign of its literary counterpart.
Navigating through Books now seems like a cross between Apple Music and Podcasts. A massive selection of audiobooks and novels are right at your fingertips under the “Reading Now” menu. Tapping over to the “Book Store” section lets you browse through curated charts and a list of some of today’s most popular pageturners.
Whether you’re a science fiction buff or a novella fanatic, Books has all of the options to satisfy your inner bookworm.
2. iOS 12 Beta 6: Maps Improvements Across the Globe
Apple Maps is also in the midst of a complete and total overhaul. Beta users on Reddit have already noticed some changes to the navigation app, primarily in California, but Apple has also taken to refining its atlas overseas.
One redditor noticed Apple Maps' new bold font across Europe.
A couple of people on the iOS beta subreddit noticed that Maps now features bold font to improve labeling of regions when zoomed out, as well as detailed annotations of transit systems.
Redditor princesspriscilla highlighted how the high-speed rail lines in Japan and Taiwan can be seen even if you aren’t zooming in on them. So while Apple’s home state might see the most prominent Maps improvements right away, the rest of the world is also getting an early idea of the Apple Maps’ upcoming improvements.
3. iOS 12 Beta 6: Apps Open at the Blink of an Eye
All-new features are great, but what good are they if your phone is constantly lagging? The recent iOS 12 ensures you can use what it has to offer in a heartbeat.
While this might be a more subtle improvement, navigating through my iPhone 6S has never felt snappier. Opening and switching between applications is seamless and searching for certain apps happens almost instantaneously.
There still might be a few betas to come, but hopefully this performance is here to stay.
4. iOS 12 Beta 6: Forgot Your Username? Safari’s Got You
Safari now keeps track of your online pseudonyms for you. Whether you’re signing into a forum or a social media account, Apple’s browser will suggest to autofill your login credentials. One Reddit user noticed this only worked when they began typing in usernames they had already used before.
Redditor, freaktheclown, noticed that Safari suggested to input his MacRumors username when they tried to sign in.
“It appears to be suggesting based on other usernames you have saved in your keychain,” they write. “It will only suggest if I start typing a username I’ve already used.”
So now Safari can work hand-in-hand with your password manager to remind you of all of your online alter egos.
5. iOS 12 Beta 6: Remix Your Memories
The Photos app has also seen some major upgrades, primarily focusing on curating and presenting users with the best photos they’ve taken. Now the application also lets users edit photo slideshows like never before.
One redditor noticed Memories in Photos lets you edit the music that plays in the background of the slideshow.
Tapping on the “For You” menu at the bottom of the app will bring up a list of “Memories” — or short videos of certain trips or moments. This isn’t anything new, but now editing them lets you swap in your own tunes instead of just having stock music play in the background.
If you have a memory of a concert you went to, why not swap in some of the band’s music? Have a slideshow of a recent beach getaway? Throw in some Beach Boys to really make it tropical.