Inverse Daily

Why one unexpected part of the body has taste receptors

Plus: Meet the UFO hunters who will work for cheap.

by Nick Lucchesi
Full frame of multicolored plastic balls in the ball pit (ball crawl). Lots of colorful balls for ch...

Let’s get one thing out of the way right now: Balls, balls, balls. Balls!

There we go. That’s better.

Today’s lead story is all about the possible reasons why testicles have taste buds. Scientists have a few theories why, but they all point to better reproduction and evolution. It’s a wild story that will make you smarter about your world and maybe yourself.

I’m Nick Lucchesi, an editor at Inverse. Let’s dive in.

A technical note — We know our consecutive open counter is broken, and we’re trying to fix it. 🚧🚧🚧

This is an adapted version of the Inverse Daily newsletter for Friday, November 5, 2021. Subscribe for free and earn rewards for reading every day in your inbox. ✉️


Why testicles have tastebuds

By Varuna Srinivasan

It starts off with a quick clip of a highly excited man named Nik Longo, who looks into the camera and declares: “Testicles have taste buds!”

The video then abruptly cuts to TikTok creator Kelley Lorraine, pouring caramel coffee syrup into a plastic bowl. Kelley giggles as she attempts to convince her husband, Luis, to dip his testicles into the bowl to taste it. Another cut, and he seems to do so, just out of frame, apparently not looking at the contents. The couple bursts into uncontrollable laughter when he asks, “What is that? Chocolate?”

Read the full story.

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Reinhold Wittich/Stocktrek Images/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images

Water found in a distant part of the universe

By Passant Rabie

The early universe is shrouded in mystery. But now and then, astronomers get a peek at what the cosmos were like by peering back in time at distant, ancient galaxies. And galaxy SPT0311-58 just proved how much scientists don’t know about the young universe.

Scientists found water in the galaxy, which is located nearly 12.88 billion light-years away. This marks the most distant detection of H2O in a star-forming galaxy and the most comprehensive look at molecular gas early in the universe’s timeline.

Read the full story.

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simonbradfield/E+/Getty Images

UFO hunters ready to find aliens for cheap

By John Wenz

Sightings of alleged unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are usually united by a common element: they are visually witnessed by an unsuspecting person, who may or may not be able to fumble for a camera to get a so-so image.

But what if we didn’t have to rely on blurry photos, grainy videos, and dicey testimony of strange sights? What if we could detect and track possible alien visitors?

Read the full story.

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Tim Bieber/Photodisc/Getty Images

Seven health myths, debunked

By Jenn Walter

When it comes to health, it’s easy to fall back on advice and myths that rely on incomplete or outdated science. Take the case of alcohol. You’ve probably heard that, in some instances, drinking wine or beer moderately can be good for your health and longevity.

Read the full story.

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That’s it for this Friday edition! We will be back Monday with a big announcement about an upcoming story.

  • About the newsletter: Do you think it can be improved? Have a story idea? Want to share a story about the time you met an astronaut? Send those thoughts and more to
  • Song of the Day: “Big Balls” by AC/DC
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