Inverse Daily: Carbon-neutral by 2050
In the wake of the news that the 2010s was the hottest-ever decade on record, many are asking what an be done to stop the trend?

Reports and articles often envision a future world, engulfed in flames and deluged by floods, of catastrophic climate change. But let’s not forget about the present reality. In 2019, the United States experienced 14 disasters that cost over a billion dollars each and resulted in a total of 44 deaths, according to new data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. While climate change isn’t the direct cause of these disasters, it often acts as a dangerous intensifier, loading the dice.
Ok, so how do we safeguard our current and future Earth from climate change?? Be sure to check out Inverse’s Nina Pullano’s article on a new study on what would happen if the world went carbon-neutral by 2050. They say that the scale of a catastrophe is also the scale of opportunity for change — and this study proves it.
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“Public perceptions of psychedelics, and the people who use them, are becoming more accurate.” — Molly Crockett, neuroscientist and assistant professor of psychology at Yale.
- Read More: “The positive effects of trippy drugs.”
6 step towards real climate action
Global temperature maps released last week showed that the past decade was the hottest-ever recorded. The trend is only expected to continue, with new record-setting heat in the next 10 years — without drastic and unprecedented action.
A new study focuses on exactly what would have to happen if we are to become carbon-neutral by 2050. Researchers identified six tipping points in society — including government action, education, market changes, and social movements — that, together, would seriously reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. (In the latest temperature report, scientists are clear that human activities are driving global warming.)
Action at the local, national, and global scale would all be needed, the researchers found, with an emphasis on national climate policies. They suggest that social and governmental movements will be contagious, picking up climate action momentum over time. “Once triggered,” the authors say, “such processes can be irreversible and difficult to stop.
Related stories:
- NASA, NOAA maps reveal terrifying trends in global temperature
- Clean energy is not enough: How buildings can cut emissions 80% by 2050
Heavy drinking can cause a cancer linked to cigarette smoking
We all know heavy drinking can turn into a problem, from liver damage to addiction. In a new study, scientists identified another dangerous risk linked to heavy drinking: lung cancer.
This connection has been studied before, but it has been hard to parse out a causal link, namely because heavy drinkers are more likely to smoke. By looking at the DNA of heavy drinkers and smokers, scientists have been able to demonstrate a shared genetic pathway.
“This finding suggests that binge drinking can sometimes lead to the disease, even if one never lights up a cigarette,” wrote Inverse’s Alexandra Patillo. It’s important research that lends insights into who is susceptible to both lung cancer and heavy drinking.
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Omega 3s can boost sperm counts
Sperm counts in many people have been quickly and mysteriously dwindling. While we still don’t have an answer to why this happening, we do have new research that shows Omega-3 supplements can help boost sperm count. Omega-3s also help with overall male reproductive health, an important subject that is so little discussed.
So go forth and eat your Omega-3s! Along with in supplement form, you can find them in fish and nuts. (That’s right: nuts are good for your nuts!)
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Let’s get high for mental health
Getting stoned and laying on the grass while listening dreamy ballads in the distance has been a thing for a while. But why do people trip on psychedelics at music festivals? Science has an answer. It turns out that tripping is a major mood boost, resulting in feelings of personal belonging and transformation. My friend group from college used to call this specific feeling of communal, magical transformation as “collective effervescence.” Turns out it’s real, and it’s good for you.
“Studies in patients and healthy people suggest that there is potential for psychedelics to alleviate suffering and enhance human wellbeing,” said Molly Crockett, the lead author on the study and a neuroscientist at Yale.
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Today’s Good Thing
In the very dog-friendly city of Belfast in Northern Ireland, over 350 people and 450 dogs showed up to support Marley, a 7-year old Cocker Spaniel named with incurable cancer. Everyone met at Marley’s favorite park for ‘Marley’s Big Walk’ a parade to show love for Marley and dogs everywhere. There were reportedly plenty of balls and dog treats to go around.
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