Here's when you can watch Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11 on Disney+
You won't want to miss this one.

The Clone Wars are coming to an end as Emperor Palpatine rises to power and darkness descends. Last time we saw Ahsoka Tano she had captured Darth Maul with plans to bring him back to Coruscant. With just two episodes left, the stakes have never been higher for the Star Wars CGI series, but when exactly can you watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11 on Disney+?
Here's everything you need to know about the Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11 release so you can avoid spoilers and be the first to know what happens next.
Update: Now that the episode is out, read our breakdown of its most important moment.
What's the release time for Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11?
Disney+ releases new episodes at 3 a.m. Eastern time on the dot, which isn't really ideal for anyone on the East coast. If you're on Western time you can check out Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11 at midnight and then drift off to sleep. If you're on Eastern time like me, your best bet is to wake up early and watch the new episode then, rather than attempt to stay up late.
So for Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11, that means 3 a.m. EST on Friday, May 1.
If you're wondering why Disney+ adds new episodes at such an ungodly hour, the answer is pretty simple. That's the earliest time possible based on where the company is located in Burbank, California. Netflix does the same thing, though Hulu often streams new shows at midnight Eastern time while Amazon has been known to release its originals even earlier, something the day before it's technically scheduled to go live.
My personal hunch for why Netflix and Disney+ stick to this schedule is that the middle of the night is an ideal time because there's less internet traffic, which lowers the risk of these streaming services crashing as fans log on to watch. It might not be convenient, but at least Disney+ doesn't crash every time a new Star Wars cartoon gets uploaded, right?
What's the plot of Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11?
Episode 10 ended with the thrilling Siege of Mandalore, during which a coalition of Clone Troopers and Mandalorians defeated Darth Maul's Deathwatch. Meanwhile, Maul fought Ahsoka while trying to convince her to join him and defeat Darth Sidious (aka, Palpatine). He also revealed that Anakin Skywalker would play a key role in the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the Dark side.
However, Ahsoka ignored Maul's offer and managed to capture the fallen Sith apprentice. Now she's headed to Coruscant with some clones to deliver Maul to the Jedi Council, but history is about to intervene.
Here's the official plot synopsis for Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11
After successfully capturing Maul on Mandalore, Ahsoka plans to deliver him to the Jedi Council on Coruscant. When Order 66 is declared in the midst of her journey, her world is turned upside down. Friends become foes, and enemies become allies in “Shattered” this Friday, May 1st.
With just two episodes left in the final season (or is it?) of The Clone Wars, you can expect something big. You won't want to miss this one.