When Does Fortnite Season 6 Start? Leaks, Themes, Battle Pass, and More
Everything you need to know.

Fortnite: Battle Royale Season 5 is just around the corner. It might feel like Season 5 just began, but as summer winds down you can expect to see some major changes in the popular game. So when exactly will these changes occur? And what will they be?
Here’s everything you need to know about the start of Fortnite Season 6, and our best theories for what to expect in the next couple of weeks.
When Does Fortnite Season 6 Start?
Each Fortnite season lasts 10 weeks, which means Season 5 should end on roughly September 24, paving the way for Season 6. Only, it’s not that simple.
There’s a precedent for delays and good reason to think it could happen again. Season 4 was extended several days, presumably so players could get a little extra time to finish any lingering challenges. Additionally, the most recent batch of Fortnite challenges was delayed until Friday of last week, suggesting that developer Epic Games may be slightly off its usual schedule heading into Season 5’s final days.
So it’s definitely possible that we could get a few extra days of play before Season 6 kicks off near the end of September.
Fortnite Season 6 Battle Pass
As per usual, Fortnite Season 6 is expected to offer a Battle Pass, which unlocks weekly challenges for an opportunity to earn special skins, emotes, and more. The Battle Pass typically costs 950 V-Bucks (just under $10 in actual U.S. currency), but it’s possible you earned enough extra V-Bucks with your Season 5 Battle Pass to cover that expense.
Regardless, it’s typically worth shelling out the $10. Fortnite is free after all, and if you play on a regular basis you know how fun some of those challenges can be.
Fortnite Season 6: How Will Season 5 End?
Season 4 ended with a rocket launch and in-game rifts. These were massive in-game events that captivated players all over the world. So we wouldn’t expect anything less from the Season 5 to Season 6 transition. It’s unclear what that might be, but there are some pretty major clues.
The big one is the cube, that giant purple glowing object that’s been slowly rolling around the map leaving behind mysterious runes and creating a low-gravity field wherever it goes. Based on one earlier leak, it looks like the cube’s final destination could be Tilted Towers, which means that the popular destination might end up getting destroyed at the end of Season 5. Or maybe it will just become a permanent low-gravity zone heading into Season 6.
There’s also that mysterious Tomato Temple, which popped up in late August replacing the old Tomato Town destination. The running theory for this change is that the big red tomato traveled back in time through one of those rifts, influencing some ancient civilization to build an entire tomato-based religion.
So it’s possible we could see even more of these time-travel based changes pop-up heading into Season 6, though what that means for Fortnite’s (very loose) plot remains to be seen.
Finally, a sketchy new leak suggests that the cube could actually explode after reaching Loot Lake and draining it completely, creating portals to an Upside Down-style underworld in Fortnite. But we’d take that with a grain of salt, at least for now.
Related video: ‘Squad Up’ is the Inverse talk show that takes place entirely inside ‘Fortnite’. Follow us on Twitch!