The 7 Best Apple Vision Pro Apps and Demos We’ve Seen So Far
Spatial vacuuming, 3D modeling, and even some AR skateboarding are making the case for Apple’s $3,500 spatial computer, the Vision Pro.

At long last, the Vision Pro — Apple’s first foray into the world of VR / AR headsets — is here and, collectively, we’re all still discovering what a $3,500 “spatial computer” can really do.
A big part of that discovery process is apps, and on that front, the results have been fun, weird, and maybe even genuinely useful. Sure, you can browse Safari, take FaceTime calls, and check iMessage, but it’s the non-native apps that are going to define the Vision Pro outside of the confines of Apple’s ecosystem.
There will be a lot more to unpack when it comes to understanding what the Vision Pro can really do, but so far, these are the apps and concepts that have us excited to see the future of spatial computing unfold.
Listen, as practical as working in AR could be (for some people at least), it’s the not-so-practical stuff that’s going to draw a crowd. Wisp, an AI companion, game, and “desk ornament” has enough whimsy to showcase the Vision Pro’s volumetric capabilities (read: actual augment reality) while also feeling futuristic.
It’s part meditation app and part Tamagotchi and 100 percent augmented reality. I have a feeling AR is going to be great for people who love virtual pets and Wisp (with the help of the Vision Pro) is really making a case.
Spatial Vacuuming
On the complete opposite end of the Wisp spectrum are more practical Vision Pro applications like, um, vacuuming. Do you need the Vision Pro to properly extricate your floors from the scourge of dust and dirt? No. But damn, if you don’t love a coin-based mini-game, I’m not really sure that we have much in common.
In this demo from AR / VR engineer, Daniel Beauchamp, there are also two versions: one with coins and one with a more practical disappearing gradient that shows exactly where you’ve moved your vacuum over. I guess it’s probably more work to strap a face computer onto your head before you vacuum, but you can’t deny that this app could theoretically make cleaning your dusty apartment more fun.
Spatial Guitar
If you’re familiar with AR music apps like PianoVision, it should be no surprise that the same style of mixed reality music lessons exists for learning how to play the guitar. This app from mixed reality designer, Sergei Galkin, brings a gamified visualization to strumming out songs that’s akin to Rock Band. The difference here is that you might actually learn how to play an instrument. Unfortunately, this app isn’t available for download yet, but something tells me it will be in the near future.
And who knows? Maybe, if we’re lucky, we’ll see traces of something like this in a spatial GarageBand app.
Puzzling Places
I’m not really a puzzle person, but something about porting the hobby into mixed reality and making it 3D really has me reconsidering my aversion.
All of the puzzles in Puzzling Places are photorealistic, which really showcases the power of the Vision Pro when it comes to 3D modeling. You’ve got UNESCO World Heritage sites, the iconic Mt. St. Michel in northern France, and a snowy, non-descript cabin in the Czech Republic.
Rodney Mullen's Skatrix
Sure, Tech Decks were cool when I was growing up, but this is 2024 and why use your fingers to pretend when you have the power of AR? Rodney Mullen’s Skatrix (which is brought to us by Niantic, the developers of Pokémon Go) is bringing all your finger-operated skateboard dreams to life and — while I haven’t had a chance to play for myself — the results look pretty fun. Thanks to the Vision Pro’s excellent tracking abilities, you can control a virtual skater in all sorts of environments, including your bathroom sink or washing machine.
As long as you’re okay walking around your house flailing your arms and fingers like a feral animal, this looks like a pretty decent way to burn an hour.
The Vision Pro is a lot of things — a work machine, a game console, a really big virtual movie screen. But it’s also kind of a phone. That’s made clear by the inclusion of apps like FaceTime and “Personas,” which are avatars made from your 3D face scan.
And since it’s a communication device, there’s no need to get lost in translation. Navi, which is already available on the App Store right now, is capable of rendering captions and translations on a virtual window in real-time. Obviously, the Vision Pro (given its size and external battery) isn’t something you’d want to bring out into the real world, but I could see apps like Navi being useful for taking video calls at home.
To be honest, I’d be surprised if Navi’s translation abilities didn’t wind up in FaceTime eventually — Apple does have a habit of, uh, “adopting” ideas made by third-party developers after all.
Arguably no other day-one app highlights the ability of the Vision Pro as a professional tool for 3D rendering (or even education) more than JigSpace.
All of the models in JigSpace are interactive, meaning you can grab them, pull them apart, and put them back together with your hands. I’ve not gotten to try JigSpace myself, but Inverse’s Deputy Tech Editor, Ray Wong, did and was impressed by the detail with which JigSpace renders its 3D, interactive, objects.