Everything you need to know about Valorant Act III
There'll be a new map, agent, and skinline to look forward to.

Valorant Act III is almost here. After more than two months, this new season of updates for Riot Games' popular first-person shooter will add a new hero, skinline, map, and battle pass to the experience.
Ahead of the new season's start, Riot Games has revealed what fans can expect from Valorant Act 3.
When is the Valorant Act 3 release date?
Valorant's third act will begin on October 13, 2020.
What's included in the Valorant Act 3 battlepass?
As soon as Act 3 of Valorant begins on October 13, there will be a new battlepass for players to buy. This system, which is also present in games like Fortnite, unlocks new gun buddies and skins, players cards and titles, Radianite Points to use in lieu of microtransactions, and sprays for players as the play more of the game and level up.
As was the case with previous Valorant battlepasses, this battlepass will last for the entirety of this season, which will likely run until Episode 2 of Valorant begins in 2021. It costs 1000 Valorant points to gain access to the battlepass, which equates to a $9.99 microtransaction if you haven't already earned those points.
What is Valorant Act 3's new Icebox map like?
A new map called Icebox, which you can see a video for above, will also get added to Valorant on day one of Act 3.
This snowy map takes place in a shipyard in the tundra and features ziplines for added mobility and two bomb sites that teams have to manage.
According to Level Design Lead Salvatore Garozzo in a press release received by Inverse, this map is supposed to "emphasize skirmishes, sharp aim and adaptive play" more than all of Valorant's other maps. You don't have to pay in order to get access to this map, it should just show up as you start playing Act 3.
What is Valorant Act 3's new skinline?
Like Glitchpop in Act 2, a brand new skinline is getting introduced alongside Act 3 of Valorant: Singularity. Whereas Glitchpop was supposed to be eye-catching and colorful, Singularity is much more futuristic and abstract.
This skinline will cost players 8,700 VP if they want to get everything. That equate to a whopping. In order to get enough point to afford it, be ready to drop a whopping $99 dollars on the VP bundle that contains enough points to buy everything from this season.
Who is the new Valorant Act 3 agent?
While a new hero will come to Valorant during Act 3, they won't be there right at launch like Killjoy was with Act 2.
This new hero, and Australian hero named Skye, will be added to Valorant for free on October 27, which is a couple of weeks into the new season. Two of her abilities involve Skye summoning a creature to fight for her.
New art featuring Skye, the next hero coming to Valorant.
Trailblazer has Skye summon a small animal she can actually control and position to explode and damage enemies. Guiding Light allows her to send out a Hawk that can identify if an enemy is in range or line of sight. Regrowth lets her heal all allies in her line of sight, but it does deplete from a healing pool and she can't heal herself. Finally, her ultimate is called Seekers, and it sends out three seekers that can hit enemies and inflict them with nearsight, limiting their vision.
Skye seems poised to shake up competitive play, which is also seeing some changes in Act 3. Namely, Riot Games is tweaking Ranked so players are more likely to play with those of a similar skill level and choose a regional server. Some of Valorant's designers delved into all of these changes in a video released in early October.
And those are all of the new things that you can expect from Valorant Act 3, which should close out Valorant's widely successful 2020!
Valorant is available now on PC.