This Genshin Impact build transforms Xiangling into a lethal Pyro support
Turn up the heat.

Free Genshin Impact characters are often unusable. Most players have copies of Kaeya, Amber, Lisa, Barbara, and Xiangling that were earned by completing Genshin Impact's tutorial. After completing that phase, it's common to promptly abandon those characters for the innately better ones earned via the game's gacha system.
But you shouldn't leave Xiangling in the dust. With the right build, she can become an essential support character and the backbone of your team.
Here's everything you need for the ultimate Xiangling build in Genshin Impact.
What's the best Xiangling build in Genshin Impact?
Xiangling is best when used as a support character to bolster your team's stars. You should switch to Xiangling, quickly use her Elemental Skill to summon Guoba and, if available, her Elemental Burst then quickly switch to another character. Both will remain in effect after you've switched.
This combo allows you to deal small bursts of Pyro damage in addition to your main DPS character's damage output. The builds that work best for Xiangling often revolve around enhancing her Pyro damage and the strength of her support nature for your team.
To make Xiangling the best Xinglang she can be, you're going to potentially need three things, depending on how you want to build her out.
- Prototype Starglitter (formally called the Prototype Grudge)
- (4) Noblesse Oblige artifacts
- (4) Crimson Witch of Flames artifacts.
How to get the Prototype Starglitter in Genshin Impact
Xiangling's main assets as a supporting character are her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. You're going to want to use a weapon that allows you to use those abilities more frequently, hence why the Prototype Starglitter is the perfect weapon for Xiangling.
The four-star Polearm greatly increases Xiangling's Energy Recharge rate, allowing her to use her Elemental Burst far more often. At base, the weapon increases her Energy Recharge rate by 10 percent. When maxed out, Prototype Starglitter increases her energy recharge rate by 45.9 percent.
You can craft the weapon at any blacksmith like the ones located in Mondstadt and Liyue Harbor. To craft the Prototype Starglitter, you'll need 50 Crystal Chunks, 50 White Iron Chunks, and one Northlander Polearm Prototype.
You can find the Northlander Polearm Prototype as a drop by defeating any weekly boss. It's also available as a reward from some places like completing Spiral Abyss Floor 3, Chamber 3, or by increasing Dragonspine's Frostbaring Tree to level eight.
Lastly, if you have the funds, Northlander Polearm Prototype can be purchased from the Liyue Souvenir shop in Liyue Harbor.
Don't concern yourself with refining the Prototype Starglitter, that won't increase your Energy Recharge rate, making it a pointless endeavor.
Xiangling hanging out.
How to get Noblesse Oblige artifacts in Genshin Impact
Noblesse Oblige is a great set for Xiangling if you'd like to focus on her pure utility as a support character, rather than specifically her ability to be used as a Pyro Support character.
If you have two Noblesse Oblige artifacts equipped, Xiangling's Elemental Burst damage will be increased by 20 percent. If you equip four Noblesse Oblige artifacts, your whole party receives a 20 percent bonus after Xiangling uses her Elemental Burst for 12 seconds.
When used in conjunction with Xiangling's Elemental Skill, which provides a 10-second damage boost after dissipating, this will set you up with ample damage for quite some time.
You can obtain Noblesse Oblige artifacts by completing the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain, found in Liyue's Jueyun Karst.
How to get Crimson Witch of Flames artifacts in Genshin Impact
If you want Xiangling to become your go-to source for supporting Pyro elemental interactions, you need the Crimson Witch of Flames artifact set.
When decked out with two Crimson Witch of Flames artifacts, Pyro damage is increased by 15 percent.
If you bump that to four total Crimson Witch of Flames artifacts, status effects like Overloaded and Burning will have their damage increased by 40 percent. Other effects like Vaporize and Melt will be increased by 15 percent. Additionally, every time you activate an Elemental Skill, your Pyro damage will increase slightly. That can be stacked up to three times.
Crimson Witch of Flames artifacts can be found as a drop from the domain, Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula, located on Wuwang Hill in Liyue. You'll need to reach at least Adventure Rank 30 to challenge the domain.
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