Genshin Impact Kokomi Banner: Is it worth the Wishes and Primogems?
Need a healer?

The newest Genshin Impact character has a tough act to follow. On the heels of Raiden Shogun’s record-breaking Banner, you have until early October to spend your Primogems on the new Banner, featuring five-star Hydro Catalyst user Kokomi. Below, we’ve outlined everything you need to know about whether Kokomi is a good fit for your squad, and how her strengths and skills complement other characters.
Could pulling for Kokomi be the right choice for you? Or should you wait for the Version 2.2 Banners? Here’s everything you need to know about the Kokomi Banner in Genshin Impact.
When is the Genshin Impact Kokomi Banner end time?
The Kokomi Banner began on September 21 and will conclude on October 12 at 5 p.m. Eastern.
Is there a Genshin Impact Kokomi trailer?
Yes! You can watch her trailer below, where Kokomi displays far more depth than she did in the main story.
Who are the Genshin Impact Kokomi Banner four-stars?
The five-star Hydro Catalyst is joined by three four-star characters:
- Rosaria, The Cryo Polearm wielder
- Xingqiu, The Hydro Sword user
- Beidou, The Electro Claymore wielder
Are you guaranteed to get Kokomi in Genshin Impact?
Not quite. You're not guaranteed to get Kokomi, even if you pull from her Banner. Luckily, Genshin Impact does feature a Mercy system. If you conduct 89 attempts without getting a five-star reward, you're guaranteed a five-star item on your 90th pull. The guaranteed five-star item has a 50 percent chance to be Kokomi. If that first pity five-star wasn't Kokomi, your next five-star will be. This means, at most, you'll need 180 wishes to get Kokomi.
If you participated in a previous Event Banner without earning a five-star character, your progress will carry over to the Kokomi Banner. Which only means you'll have that much greater chance at obtaining her.
Is Kokomi a good character in Genshin Impact?
Kokomi is a so-so character. She can play numerous roles including sub-DPS and healer. If you don’t have a dedicated five-star healer like Jean, QiQi, or a maxed-out Barbara, Kokomi should be a great fit for your team.
If you’re not in need of a healer, Kokomi isn’t worth your time. She can barely deal damage due to her negative 100 percent Critical Hit rate, meaning she can’t do any critical hits.
Kokomi and her general, Gorou.
Kokomi’s healing is strong, but nothing exceptional, considering that you need to pay to obtain her. Kokomi will primarily heal using her Elemental Skill, which deploys essentially a jellyfish turret. The jellyfish deals Hydro damage while healing your active character every few seconds. This does make her exceptionally helpful for creating Hydro-based elemental reactions like Electro-Charged and Vaporize.
Her Elemental Skill’s main drawback is that it’s anchored to a single spot. You’ll need to either stand close to the jellyfish or return to it regularly for the healing to be effective. It’s a tedious skill in contrast to somebody like Barbara, who still lets you maintain mobility as she heals your team.
Should you pay for the Kokomi Banner in Genshin Impact?
If you can get Kokomi to her second Constellation, you’ll unlock a talent that further increases her viability, but that will likely take hundreds of dollars. That’s not worth it, in our estimation.
On the other hand, If you need a new support character, Xingqiu is a great reason to pull on Kokomi’s banner. He’s an excellent, versatile four-star for any player. Beidou and Rosaria are also great additions to most teams. If you do choose to pull on the banner for these characters, pay attention to your pity counter — don’t waste your guaranteed five-star pull on Kokomi.
What Banner comes after Kokomi in Genshin Impact?
Developer miHoYo has yet to reveal official details about the next banner, but recent leaks have suggested there will be two re-run banners. One will feature Hu Tao, while another will feature Childe. One of the banners will also feature the four-star Pyro Polearm user Thoma.
We’ll likely learn more during miHoYo’s Version 2.2 live stream on October 1, 2021.
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