You should simulate a Witcher 2 save in Witcher 3 — here’s why
New quest? Yes, please.

With the launch of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, new and returning players are getting to experience the best version of the hit RPG. This enhanced version includes improved visuals and performance, new content, and quality-of-life updates to make it more enjoyable. One returning feature allows players to simulate Witcher 2 save within The Witcher 3. The game doesn’t explain how this works, making it confusing when choosing whether or not to enable the feature. Here’s everything you’ll need to know about simulating The Witcher 2 save in The Witcher 3.
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How to simulate Witcher 2 save
Upon starting a new Witcher 3 game, you’ll be asked if you want to simulate a Witcher 2 save.
As soon as you boot up a new game within The Witcher 3, you’ll get several options. The first asks if you want to load up the full game, NG+, or either of the DLCs — Hearts of Stone or Blood and Wine. You have to pick your difficulty, and after that, you’ll get to enable tutorials if you’d like.
After that, you’ll be asked if you want to simulate a Witcher 2 save. This allows you to simulate crucial events of The Witcher 2 within The Witcher 3 by selecting from various dialogue options. This is great for those who never played The Witcher 2.
We recommend turning this ON, because it has an impact on the narrative, as well as the gameplay.
What does simulating Witcher 2 save do?
The questions tied to The Witcher 2 are asked during the Imperial Audience quest.
Once you reach the Imperial Audience quest, Geralt will take a bath and will be questioned by General Morvran Voorhis about events that occurred in The Witcher 2.
The first question is about Aryan. If you say you spared his life, you’ll encounter Aryan later on in The Witcher 3.
After that, Geralt is asked about how he got out of Flotsam. Here, you’ll need to choose between Vernon Roche and Iorveth. It’s recommended to pick Vernon Roche here, as Iorveth is viewed as a “bad guy” who hates non-humans.
After that, Geralt is asked who he saved. We recommend saying you saved Triss at this point.
Next, you’re asked about the fate of Sile de Tansarville. Pick whichever you’d like at this point.
The final — and most important — question asks about the alliance. For this, you need to pick “what happened to Letho?” This will allow Letho to appear in The Witcher 3, and you can actually recruit him to join you. In Velen during Act 1, you’ll need to visit the Reardron Manor to receive the Ghost of the Past quest — only available if you spared Letho.
Keep in mind, nearly all the questions above only impact the story. The only one that truly matters in terms of gameplay is the last question about Letho.
The next-gen version of The Witcher 3 is available for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC now.
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