How to fix Back 4 Blood TRS online platform failure and more errors
What should you do when you can’t connect to Back 4 Blood’s servers.

Back 4 Blood’s Open Beta is finally available to everyone this weekend.
While that means anyone remotely interested in the game can give it a shot, it also means that more people are on Turtle Rock’s Back 4 Blood servers than ever before. As a result, some error messages have popped up for players eagerly trying to enter the beta.
If you’ve run into one of these errors, like the “TRS online platforms failed” message, this is what you need to know about handling it.
What are the most common Back 4 Blood error messages?
As the Back 4 Blood beta progress, on recurring error message is appearing to players. You must sign in online before playing the game, and when some players are attempting to do so they get a message that says, “Sign in to TRS platform failed.” From there, your only options are clicking okay and trying to sign in again or existing to desktop if you’re on PC.
This video shows the error in action.
If you can’t tell, TRS stands for Turtle Rock Studios, the developer behind Back 4 Blood. This message means that you can't connect to the developer’s servers and sign in for some reason, which is required to play the game.
How to fix the Back 4 Blood error messages?
The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you have a stable internet connection so you can actually connect with their servers. Players are still running into this error message with a good internet connection, though. On Reddit, a few fans say they have had success by clearing their download cache or alternating their MAC address.
If none of that works, there isn’t much you can do. One of the main functions of an Open Beta is to test out the game’s servers with a massive number of players. More people than ever before are trying Back 4 Blood, so Turtle Rock Studios’ servers are likely running into issues. The only thing players can do in this case is wait and try again later.
Why are Back 4 Blood server errors happening?
Server issues are common in online video games. The developers of Splitgate, another online game that had server problems in beta, recently explained to Inverse was these server issues crop up.
“The backend has to handle authentication, matchmaking, tracking user stats, coordinating parties, banning cheaters, reporting metrics, calculating challenges, displaying the store, processing payments, and much much more,” 1047 Games’ VP of Engineering Olly Freeman says. “The interrelated nature of many of these actions means that the more players that you have, the more complex the interactions and computations, which means that you need increasingly intricate, optimized, and resilient algorithms as your player base grows.”
While Turtle Rock Studios is a much bigger developer than 1047, they are still running into the same problems while rolling the game out on a massive scale. Issues like these are bound to happen during any beta period, so don’t be too shocked if this message comes up for you. If it does happen, just set the game down and come back later once any issues are worked out.
Back 4 Blood will be released on October 12, 2021.