The Batman post-credits scene explained: What is the mysterious Riddler website?
Blink, and you'll miss The Batman's after-credits scene.

The Batman is full of twists and turns. In the span of three hours, Matt Reeves unspools a dark but riveting tale centered on a Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) we’ve never seen before and his desire to take down Gotham’s latest villain, The Riddler (Paul Dano). The ending leaves audiences with plenty of new details to think about, but what about the movie’s post-credits scene?
If you stayed past the credits, you’re likely here wondering what exactly did you just watch on screen. Far from the typical style of after-credits scenes, The Batman gives viewers one last riddle to solve. Find out what you might have missed after the credits rolled.
Warning! Major spoilers ahead for The Batman.
The Batman post-credits scene explained
Robert Pattinson as the Dark Knight in The Batman.
At the very end of the credits, The Riddler’s instantly recognizable question mark cursor begins blinking. After a brief moment, green text flashes onscreen saying “Good bye.”
Next, the screen flashes again very quickly, revealing what looks like a website address. While I can’t confirm exactly what the URL is — it was really fast, and I only saw the movie once — I am fairly certain the website displayed is
“El Rata Alada,” which means “the winged rat” in Spanish, was one of the major clues The Riddler left Batman in the film. So it makes sense that the marketing minds behind The Batman created a companion site, inspired by The Riddler, to allow fans to engage with the film beyond the theater.
The Batman post-credits: El Rata Alada
The website,, shows a similar blinking question mark as seen in The Batman’s post-credits scene.
If I am right and the website is, then you can visit it now and take a shot at answering some riddles inspired by The Batman. You may even notice the familiar blinking question mark from the film as the website loads onto your screen.
The website was unveiled back in December 2021 as part of a viral marketing campaign for the new movie. Fans decoded a cipher — much like Bruce Wayne did in the film — to find the website. The site mostly looks like a terminal server that asks you to solve fun Batman-related riddles, but it doesn’t seem to reveal anything new about the movie or tease what’s next in The Batman 2.
If you were hoping to find out more about Barry Keoghan’s appearance as The Joker or if Batman and Catwoman will reunite in the sequel, you may be disappointed that this secret website doesn’t hold the answers. But luckily, one great source of inspiration for The Batman offers substantial clues — the comics!
The Batman is now playing theaters.
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