Fortnite 4.2 Update Tackles Watch Match Replay Bug: Here's What to Know
Players want their Battle Stars.

When Fortnite players tried to complete the easiest Week 3 Challenge - “Watch a Replay” - on Tuesday, they found out there was a problem preventing them from completing the task. Epic Games confirmed the problem and will fix it in the delayed v4.2 update.
Monday evening, the official Fortnite Twitter account posted that the v4.2 update would be delayed due to an issue and some quests in the game may not function. The issue revolved around the “Watch a Replay” Week 3 Challenge. A bug in the game denied players their five Battle Stars after they watched a replay. Epic tweeted the issue would be taken care of when v4.2 patch goes into effect Wednesday morning.
Even with the bug, some players on the Fortnite subreddit found out a way to complete the challenge. One thread, in particular, showed that in order to complete the “Watch a Replay” challenge players needed to participate in a 50 v 50 match and revive a player. Several Reddit users on the thread confirmed the workaround worked, which could mean the challenge simply had a different task coded into it.
Another issue Epic will likely fix in the v4.2 update is the malfunctioning Turbo Building feature when using the new Builder Pro controller layout. Also, there could be an answer to that mysterious hatch in Wailing Woods or at least another clue on why it’s there. There’s even a new burst assault rifle included in the update.
Epic will take down the Fortnite servers Wednesday morning at 4 a.m. Eastern. Downtime for the servers ranges from one to two hours, and then it’s game on.
Even though the easiest Week 3 Challenge has a bug, the rest of the challenges work fine including the “Find the Rubber Duckies” challenge and the new treasure map found in Salty Springs.