Twitter Remembers Victims of Kellyanne Conway's Fake Bowling Green Massacre
Never forget.

In a Thursday night interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway defended the president’s travel ban by making up something called the “Bowling Green Massacre.” No one knows about it, she claimed, because it hadn’t been covered. In actuality, it’s because it never happened.
Many media outlets were quick to point out that Conway’s “alternative fact” was an outright lie. There is no such thing as the Bowling Green Massacre. Many have argued that Conway’s evocation of this fictional event was nothing more than a transparent attempt to drum up fear about refugees. She could have been trying to refer to an incident in 2011 where two Iraqi nationals were indicted on terrorism charges in Kentucky — but those individuals took no American lives and by all accounts were never planning to do so.
Matthews, for his part, neglected to ask Conway a follow-up question when she brought up the massacre. It’s regrettable, because a simple “What happened in Bowling Green?” could have been Conway explaining something that never occurred.
On Friday morning, Conway acknowledged the error (read: lie), but was quick to refocus that acknowledgment as a critique that “honest mistakes abound,” especially, according to her, within the liberal media.
Overnight, social media exploded with the hidden stories of the so-called Massacre’s victims that never had time in the spotlight. Finally, they and their acquaintances felt emboldened by Conway’s recognition of their peril.
Amazingly, these once-hidden individuals have lent new credibility to Conway’s story, finding meaning in her madness.
These Americans, once lost to history, have reemerged to shed light on the real victims of the horrific Bowling Green tragedy that the rest of us have been either too blind or too complacent to see.
What Matthews didn’t realize was just how close Conway herself was to the events of that fateful day.
Alas, poor Yorick! No one knew him, Horatio, on account of there being no media coverage when he was killed.
It will be some time before the public is able to come to terms with the magnitude of the tragedy Kellyanne has brought to light.
Slowly, though, stories of humanity emerged from the wreckage, and Americans found reason to be hopeful.
Some, of course, were unhappy to see this past trauma dredged up and paraded around the political scene. A thoughtless act, indeed.
But, as seems to be the case with all American tragedies these days, Mark Wahlberg will ease our consciousness by turning it into a blockbuster film with all the nuance of a freight train.
A special fund has been established in honor of the victims, and all donations will be directed to the ACLU, a real group that takes real steps to solve real problems. Godspeed, fallen heroes.