Fortnite Season 4 leaks suggest even more Marvel’s Avengers skins
Talk about an ambitious crossover.

Marvel's Avengers might be a few short weeks from its release, but it seems that comic fans will get even more from their favorite squad of superheroes in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4.
Epic Games states on its site that the Season 3 Battle Pass is scheduled to conclude on August 26, which means Season 4 should kick off on August 27. The company has been tight-lipped about what the new patch will roll out with, but trusted Fortnite data-miner and leaker Hypex believes it might be entirely Marvel-themed.
The leaker tweeted on Wednesday that an anonymous source tipped them off about Season 4 but he hedged his statements, claiming that Epic games might change its mind and launch another set of skins. Hypex has perviously leaked in-game cosmetics before they were announced by Epic, which has given him a reputation as a Fortnite soothsayer.
"Season 4 MIGHT be Marvel-themed, and Thor & his hammer are gonna be cosmetics (this is via my source)," they tweeted. "Also the trailer might start with a girl cornered in some alleyway by armed skins and she gets saved."
Epic Games recently released 'Marvel's Avengers' cosmetics, but there could be way more in store.
All of this remains unconfirmed but past, superhero-themed cosmetic events serve as compelling evidence that there could be something to Hypex's latest leak.
Epic introduced the Hulk and Ironman Smashers as alternate Pickaxe skins on July 29, a couple of weeks prior to the launch of the Marvel's Avengers beta. Fortnite has also added DC Comics skins, including Batman and Catwoman outfits, so a more extensive Marvel cosmetic drop wouldn't be surprising.
A Marvel-themed Season 4 would also perfectly coincide with the release of Marvel's Avengers on console and PC. The action-adventure title is slated for launch on September 4, a week after Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 is scheduled to debut.
At this point Fortnite has essentially become an online billboard for companies and organizations to advertise movies, music, games, shows, and products. Epic CEO Tim Sweeney revealed that the battle royal had upwards of 250 million players as of March 2019, which guarantees companies like Marvel Entertainment will line up for collaborations.
The Inverse analysis — After all, Marvel advertised Avengers: Endgame on Fortnite with some exclusive skins back in 2019. The trailer for that update alone has more than 24 million views and Avengers: Endgame became the highest-grossing Marvel movie of all time.
Fortnite and Marvel are a match made in Asgard and it wouldn't be surprising to see yet another collab as Marvel prepares to release Marvel's Avengers.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 is set for launch on August 27.