FF7 Rebirth Grasslands Checklist: Everything You Need to Do in the First Area
So much to see and do.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the biggest games the series has ever seen, jam-packed full of optional quests, battles, and treasure. After just a few hours, Rebirth drops you into a massive area called the Grasslands, and introduces its exploration and a wealth of side content. It’s a lot to take in, and you can easily spend a dozen hours in this starting area alone. If you’re a completionist, you’ll likely want some way to keep track of everything. To that end, we’ve compiled a list of everything you can see and do in the Grasslands area of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, from equipment and materia, to side quests.
Grasslands Side Quests
Side quests provide unique story details for party members, on top of rewarding items.
There are six side quests to complete in the Grasslands. Five of these quests can be completed as early as Chapter 2, while the final one won’t unlock until late in the game, in Chapter 12. However, keep in mind that, once unlocked, these side quests can be completed at any time, and aren’t missable.
- Flowers From the Hill - Chpt 2 - Unlocked by completing Break in the Saddle main story objective.
- Lifeline in Peril - Chpt 2 - After completing Break in the Saddle, accept from the Kalm notice board or talk to Kalm’s mayor.
- A Rare Care Lost - Chpt 2 - After Break in the Saddle, accept from Kalm notice board or talk to the bartender.
- Livestock’s Bane - Chpt 2 - After Break in the Saddle, accept from the Kalm Notice Board.
- Where the Wind Blows - Chpt 2 - Complete Flowers From the Hill, Livestock’s Bane, and A Rare Card Lost, then talk to Broden in Kalm’s inn.
- Hustle and Grind - Chpt 12 - Complete all Grasslands Protorelics, then accept off the quest board.
Grasslands Towers
There are six Remnawave Towers to find in the Grasslands, and activating these will mark all other world activities on your map. In the gallery below you can find the location of each tower.
Grasslands World Activities
Because activating towers highlights all other areas of interest, we won’t include map screenshots of every activity. However, we will list out all of the various world activities to complete in the Grasslands. Each activity you complete will give you World Data, which can be used to research new materia by talking to Chadley. As a note, for all the Fiend Intel make sure you have an Assess materia equipped to find enemy weaknesses.
- Phenomenon Intel 1: Wild Bandit Chase
- Phenomenon Intel 2: Pipeline Management Facility
- Phenomenon Intel 3: Diversionary Tactics
- Phenomenon Intel 4: Taking Care of Business
- Expedition Intel 1: Cragshade Lifespring
- Expedition Intel 2: Wetlands Lifespring
- Expedition Intel 3: Morass Lifespring
- Expedition Intel 4: Grasswastes Lifespring
- Expedition Intel 5: Mako Pipeline Lifespring
- Expedition Intel 6: Cavern Lifespring
- Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore - Finding all six Lifesprings will unlock a fight against the unique enemy Quetzalcoatl. You only need to beat the enemy, with no secondary objectives.
- Excavation Intel 1: Bygone Settlement
- Excavation Intel 2: Pipeline Depository
Divine Intel (Makes Titan More Powerful)
- Divine Intel 1: Titan Sanctuary a (Alpha) α
- Divine Intel 2: Titan Sanctuary B (Beta) β
- Divine Intel 3: Titan Sanctuary Y (Gamma) γ
Fiend Intel
- Fiend Intel 1: Voracious and Venomous – Venorat: Use Ice spells to pressure the Venorat, you need to take them out quickly to avoid getting poisoned. Turning difficulty down to Easy can help.
- Fiend Intel 2: Bearer of Grudges – Enmidunk: Enmidunks are weak to Ice, so use Ice spells to pressure and stagger them.
- Fiend Intel 3: Keepers of the Burrow – Mi: This battle has two Ice Mis and one Fire Mi. Equip someone with the Fire/Ice materia, and use spells to exploit the weakness.
- Fiend Intel 4: Wailing – Mandrake: Fire spells can pressure the Mandrakes, take them out quickly to keep them from napping. Again, Easy mode can help.
- Fiend Intel 5: Picky Eater – Aggrevrikon: Weak to Ice and Fire, use spells to pressure and stagger.
- Fiend Intel 6: Voltaic Canine – Thunderclaw: You need to use status effects to pressure this enemy. Equip someone with Poison and spam it until it sticks.
Queen’s Blood Opponents
- Nene
- Ned
- Zahira
Moogle Intel
- Prairie Moogle
Grasslands Treasure
X marks the spot. Seven different Treasure Caches are scattered across the Grasslands. Unlike world activities, these won’t be marked on your map, and once you’ve arrived at the cache you’ll need to search around for the chests. These caches usually contain helpful healing items and the occasional piece of armor or accessory. The gallery below has the locations of all six caches.
Grasslands Weapons
To keep your party’s fighting power up, there are three weapons to find in the Grasslands, for Cloud, Barret, and Aerith respectively. Two of these weapons can be found at any time, while the final one requires that you have a Chocobo to swim through the swamp. Here’s exactly where to find all three.
Cloud’s Sleek Saber
Open the Purple Chest at the abandoned dock.
Barret’s Hi-Caliber Rifle
Open the purple chest sitting on the large island in the middle of the swamp.
Aerith’s Timeless Rod
Open the purple chest to the right of the tack shop in the stables at Bill’s Chocobo Ranch.
Grasslands Materia
If you want every piece of materia, you’ll need to complete every open world activity.
You can get your hands on a wide array of materia in the Grasslands by finding it in the world or completing combat simulators. To get all of Chadley’s development materia, you will need to do every world activity and get all of the Data Points. Here’s a list of every piece of materia in Rebirth’s first open-world area.
Chadley Materia
- Fire and Ice - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Cast 1 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Cast 2 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Cast 3 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Cast 4 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Cast 5 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Cast 6 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Cast 7 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Morph - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Unique Ability 1 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
- Auto-Unique Ability 2 - Develop with Chadley for 10 Data Points.
Other Materia
- Healing - Complete the Grassland Region Intel: Level 1 combat simulator.
- Ice - Complete Grassland Region Intel: Level 2 combat simulator.
- Vitality Up - Complete Grasslands Battle Intel: Plains Stalkers combat simulator.
- First Strike - Complete Grasslands Battle Intel: Horror on the Range combat simulator.
- First Strike 2 - Complete Grasslands Battle Intel: Flower of Destruction combat simulator.
- Provoke - Complete Grasslands Battle Intel: Natural Order combat simulator.
- Item Master - Find this materia all the way on the West side of the map at the edge of the Wastelands area, on the Grasslands Port.
- Precision Defense - Head to the Northeastern bay of the Grasslands and find this on the small island.
Grasslands Armor
Nearly every piece of armor can be upgraded through crafting.
Here’s a list of every piece of armor in the Grasslands, both through finding them in the world and through crafting:
- Hunter’s Bangle - Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Kalm or any vending machine for 1500 Gil.
- Bone Bracelet - Purchase from Weapon Shop in Kalm or any vending machine for 1500 Gil.
- Owl Bracer - Complete Livestock’s Bane side quest.
- Beastman Armband - Found in a chest at the Mistveil Reservoir Cache.
- Copper Bracer - Can be crafted after reaching Craftsmanship Level 3.
- Enhanced Copper Bracer - Can be crafted after digging up Transmuter Chip: Armor Upgrades 1 at the Excavation Intel 1: Bygone Settlement Location.
- Woodsprite Armlet - Can be crafted after reaching Craftsmanship Level 3.
- Enhanced Woodsprite Armlet - Can be crafted after digging up Transmuter Chip: Armor Upgrades 1 at the Excavation Intel 1: Bygone Settlement Location.
- Enhanced Hunter’s Bangle - Can be crafted after digging up Transmuter Chip: Armor Upgrades 2 at Excavation Intel 2: Pipeline Depository.
- Enhanced Bone Bracer - Can be crafted after digging up Transmuter Chip: Armor Upgrades 2 at Excavation Intel 2: Pipeline Depository.
Grasslands Extras
Chocobo Chicks will lead you to the Chocobo Stops.
These extras aren’t required for any kind of completion. They’re just for fun. Chocobo Spots yield Gold Feathers you can exchange for Chocobo outfits, and function as fast travel spots. Taking photos for Snaps will give you new filters and frames for photo mode.
- 7 Chocobo Spots
- Grasslands Scenic Spot - Talk to Snaps in Kalm first, then head to the scenic spot on your map and use photo mode, then go back to Snaps.