
Slice of pumpkin pie.

How pumpkin spice flavor was created in a lab

ByMadeline Muzzi
Homemade ice cream.

How to make scientifically perfect ice cream

ByMadeline Muzzi

It's all about balancing the equation.

Different kinds of fresh bread as background, top view

How yeast makes bread bubbly and delicious

ByMadeline Muzzi
Fluffy meringue on parchment paper

How to make fluffy, delectable meringue using science

ByMadeline Muzzi

A scientific look at the power of eggs.

A plate with crunchy cried chicken and green beans with a fork and a blue napkin

The Science Behind Crunchy Fried Chicken

ByMadeline Muzzi

Food Of The Future


Lab-grown chicken could hit store shelves soon — here's how it tastes


Human-free farms could solve a major food problem


Scientists can't agree on how to test our future foods


Artificial photosynthesis can grow plants without light — and may solve a planetary dilemma


Scientists invent an edible solution to fake alcohol


Scientists finally know why Oreo filling always sticks to one side

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Space Fare

Astronauts Say Food In Space Just Tastes Worse — But Why?

ByJulia Low, Lisa Newman, Jayani Chandrapala, Ian Peake, Grace Loke Mei Ing and The Conversation

Astronauts often report that the joy of eating is lost in space. Food that tastes fabulous on Earth may become bland and boring in orbit


Our Favorite Comfort Foods May One Day Help Us Tap Into Lost Memories

ByDoug Angus, Kate Simpson, Megan Lee and The Conversation

Eating and drinking certain things from your past may be important for your mood and mental health.


The Number One Way To Beat A Heat Wave Is A Biological Function We Take For Granted

ByAdam Taylor and The Conversation

Gonna make you sweat.

Pet Science

Should You Feed Your Dog Vegetables? An Animal Nutritionist Reveals the Ultimate Pet Food Hack

ByElana Spivack

Keep treats within 5 to 10 percent of your dog’s daily calories.


This Harsh Truth About Avocados Is Being Completely Ignored

ByThomas Davies and The Conversation

Soaring avocado demand raises environmental and ethical concerns.


This Truth About Raw Milk Is Too Often Overlooked

ByJuan Silva, Joel Komakech, Mandy Conrad and The Conversation

Advocates claim raw milk has superior health benefits over pasteurized milk.


Yes, Processed Foods Can Make You Sick — Here's How

BySamuel J. White, Philippe B. Wilson and The Conversation

There’s growing evidence that ultra-processed foods may affect how our immune system works.


Should You Train Yourself to Be A Morning Pooper? Here’s What A Gastroenterologist Says

ByVincent Ho and The Conversation

No, you’re not imagining it. People are really more likely to poo in the morning, shortly after breakfast. Researchers have actually studied this.


You May Never Swim In A Public Pool After Hearing From This Microbiologist

ByBill Sullivan and The Conversation

Gangs of germs are lurking in the woods, in the soil, in the water, and in your food, ready to rain on your summer parade.


The Gas From Cow Burps Could Be the Easiest Greenhouse Gas to Get Rid Of

ByBob Holmes and Knowable Magazine

New tools for lowering methane emissions from livestock are on their way.