
Tinder Places Will Match You With Potential Dates at Your Gym — No, Really

Hard pass.

by Catie Keck

Sharing your location data with complete strangers over the internet has never been sexier than with newly minted Tinder Places — that is, unless you’re at the gym, a place at which humans congregate to sweat and grunt together. And thanks to the app’s most recent update, that’s now an option!

Tinder announced on Wednesday that it is currently testing its new location feature Places, which the company said is “designed to help you discover new people who hang where you hang.” In addition to bars and restaurants, Tinder also listed one such example of a potential “hang” as spin class — because the couple that spins together, stays together, right?

Tinder Places will match you with Thomas from the Wine Bar and also spin class.


So long as you’re cool with yet another app tracking your location and regular haunts, Tinder Places (which uses Foursquare and Mapbox data) doesn’t sound all that terrible in theory. The company noted on its blog that Places can be turned on or off any time a user likes, and the app won’t show you in real time at a given place unless you’ve already added it to your Places queue (it’ll disappear from the app after 28 days. In addition to offering the option to hide or delete certain Places, Tinder also said it “will never show you at the bank, your home, or doctor’s office.” Nice!

But it will show you at the gym, assuming you’re into that kind of thing. This is probably great news for fans of the “social fitness” app Gymder, which is totally and definitely not just an app for people who hope to hookup with fellow gym rats (according to the company. And sure, having similar hobbies as your prospective partners is a serious icebreaker and helps make dating less awful! But I’d venture a guess that as complex organisms with many pastimes and interests, you may just have something else in common other than fitness — maybe. Hopefully.

As of now, Tinder Places is only being tested in two cities in Australia and Santiago, Chile, so don’t go rushing to change your settings just yet. The Verge reported Wednesday that there’s no word yet on when the feature will hit users in the United States, and the company said on its blog that additional changes to Tinder Places may occur before it officially arrives in the app.

Being that the gym is a place we go to seemingly to remind ourselves that everything is embarrassing, maybe consider keeping your sweat haunts off your dating profiles. Online dating is hard enough as it is.

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