
'Fortnite' vs. 'PUBG' Live-Action Video Has the Wrong Game Win

Everything else it gets totally right.

by Corey Plante

A new live-action video pits Fortnite against PUBG in gruesome fashion, and it offers a hyper-realistic depiction of how the rivalry might play out. The YouTube channel Nukazooka released the video on Tuesday and it highlights the intense violence of both battle royale video games while totally nailing the ridiculous idiosyncracies of each, like nude characters and frying pans in PUBG with silly weapons and dancing in Fortnite. As delightful as it is for fans of both games, the winner in the very end they get totally wrong.

The video, technically called “PUBG vs Fortnite,” has a pretty obvious bias towards PUBG, especially because its protagonist is a PUBG player and his newb friend as they come up against an expert Fortnite player. It makes sense considering Nukazooka did a PUBG video last year, and this is their first look at Fortnite. No matter which game you prefer, you have to admit the video reinforces all of the hilarious and totally fair stereotypes of each game’s player base. PUBG is for noble Millennial bros and Fortnite is for the teens. This isn’t so much a battle between games as it is between generations, and the Fortnite player is very good at firing those “dick bullets,” which is part of a popular combat tactic in the game:

The main enemy in the video is a veteran 'Fortnite' player with the Black Knight player Skin from Season 2.


The video opens in a gory PUBG shootout inside a house with one player carrying his two-man squad and another struggling to reload his shotgun. Immediately, players will notice familiar behavior and live-action versions of items from the games — like when the video’s main character chugs a bottle of pills (called Painkiller in the game). All in all, the action is fairly realistic and does its best to be bloody and gritty, just like the game it comes from, even if it’s ultimately still pretty ridiculous.

After the outrageous first encounter, familiar sounds from the beginning of a Fortnite match echo in the distance and suddenly tons of people in astronaut uniforms begin hacking down trees and building forts and riding missiles. It’s utter insanity, and completely accurate considering what actual Fortnite matches are like, including the lack of blood and the splashes color when players take damage. Virtually every weird item from Fortnite gets used in the ensuing chaos, even the Port-a-Fort.

In the end, the PUBG player protagonist has to let his friend die to hunt down a single Fortnite player as the storm closes in, a feeling that’ll be relatable to any Fortnite veterans. Somehow, the PUBG wins, which is totally ridiculous.

Even if that makes the video feel really inaccurate, it’s worth it just to hear a young kid complaining over the microphone in a shrill voice. Because the stereotypes are mostly true: Fortnite is a young kid’s game.

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