
'Fortnite' Retail Row Treasure Map Challenge Explained

The "Hard" challenge isn't so hard when we tell you exactly where to go.

Epic Games

Each week, Fortnite shuffles in seven new challenges for players to build up their Battle Stars used to level up their Battle Pass and earn more in-game rewards, and in addition to this week’s totally creepy Gnome hunt, there’s also a more typical treasure hunt that offers even more Stars.

One of this week’s Hard challenges is “Follow the treasure map found in Retail Row” and it earns you a whopping 10 Battle Stars, but if you follow these simple tricks, it’ll make your life a whole lot easier.

You’ve probably seen this type of objective before. Epic Games puts a Hard Treasure Map challenge in the mix every other week. For this particular week, normally you’d have to travel directly to Retail Row at the start of the map where you can track down a treasure map. That map would then send you to another named location, where you can find an item that completes the challenge.

But if you already know the other named, location, you can skip the whole first part, so save yourself a few minutes and head directly to Wailing Woods instead.

in 'Fortnite', Retail Row is located on the eastern half of the island towards the middle.

Epic Games

The specific item you’re looking for is located in the southwestern corner of the hedge maze within Wailing Woods, which is located within that central gap in the forest. So if you go straight there at the start of a match, you should have a fairly easy time crossing this challenge off your list.

No matter what, you sort of have to go into match with this challenge as your man priority, and if it just so happens that other players in your match are doing the same, you might have an increasingly difficult time with it. For all you know, you might find yourself in a shootout with a dozen people inside a hedge maze, and you’ll be dead before you can complete it.

The hedge maze in 'Fortnite' isn't that difficult to navigate.

Epic Games

New challenges get added to Fortnite every Thursday morning at 4 a.m. Eastern, but you have until the end of the current season to complete them and earn the rewards. So if you have trouble with this one, know that you have until the end of April to get it done.

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