Ryan Reynolds Shares Photo of ‘Deadpool 2’ First Day of Filming

Speculation can finally cease, because Deadpool 2 has officially begun filming. The shamelessly handsome actor behind the mask, Ryan Reynolds, shared a photo on Instagram of the film’s first day of shooting, captioned, “The sun sets on day 1. Feels good to be back. This dog can hunt.”
Mark June 26, 2017, as the official first day of filming for Deadpool 2.
This comes barely more than a week after Reynolds tweeted a fun photo of himself in costume as Deadpool, lounging in front of the set for Xavier’s mansion. Given that the sequel just started shooting, it seems likely that the photo stunt was a recycled moment from the first Deadpool’s creation.
The start of filming also coincides with Josh Brolin’s transformation into the role of Cable a few weeks ago, complete with bulging muscles and a sleek new haircut.
Now that we’re presumably on to Day 2 of filming, when can we expect to finally see Josh Brolin fully in costume?
In addition to Deadpool and Cable, Deadpool 2 will also feature the return of Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead along with a host of other characters known for being part of the X-Force in comics, like Zazie Beetz as Domino, among others.
Deadpool 2 is scheduled for a release date of June 1, 2018.