The Rock Says Black Adam Is Coming, and He’ll Fight Superman

From the WWE ring to the Hollywood screen, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s star profile has finally allowed him to become a superhero — or super-antihero, at least. Last year, Johnson announced he will portray Black Adam in a movie based on the DC Comics supervillain, and now he’s teasing Teth-Adam’s debut will be a “really cool surprise.” In addition, fans can expect Black Adam to square off against Superman one day soon.
In an interview with Fandango to promote Baywatch, Johnson was asked for updates on the still-untitled Black Adam movie from DC Comics and Warner Bros., to which he replied, “It’s definitely going to happen, sure.” He then added, “We’ve had great conversations with Geoff Johns and everyone over at DC … We have a really cool surprise for Black Adam that I can’t reveal, in terms of where we will see Black Adam being introduced.”
When asked if fans can expect Black Adam to go toe-to-toe with Superman, Johnson playfully remarked: “One fine day, that’s coming, that’s in the cards.”
Not for nothing, but a few months ago during Christmas, Johnson hung out with Man of Steel star Henry Cavill for drinks, which he shared on an Instagram post that has collected 1 million likes. The caption reads: “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Black Adam and Superman (@henrycavill). Today we drink like gentleman [sic] and come together as friends. We’re excited for what the future brings. #DangerousGentlemen #DCWorldsWillCollide #BlackSavagery #MyExfoliatedBaldHeadAndTattoos #LookHellaSexyInThisLighting 🔥”
This November, Superman is expected to return from the dead in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. While the Last Son of Krypton probably won’t start punching an out-of-nowhere Black Adam, that showdown seems to be in the plans for the DC Extended Universe.
Justice League will be released on November 17.