
Harrison Ford Jokes That Han Solo Is Alive in 'The Last Jedi'


Harrison Ford isn’t too enthused about Han Solo’s upcoming origin story, but, being the rogue hustler he is, he couldn’t help but throw in a tease: Han Solo might not be dead.

A live, on-stage version of The Star Wars Show at Star Wars Celebration on Thursday managed to get Star Wars creator George Lucas and Ford as surprise guest stars following the opening ceremony. In typical blasé Ford fashion, when asked whether or not he was excited to watch the upcoming Han Solo standalone film as a fan, he said, “Not really” before admitting, “It’ll be a little weird.”

But the really weird thing came along when Ford, whose signature lack of enthusiasm about anything to do with Star Wars has become almost endearing, badly quoted Monty Python by saying: “I’m not dead. I’m just resting.”

Ford didn’t completely commit to the bit, so the quote is mangled enough that it’s barely noticeable as something from Monty Python. But, it seems he was trying to reference the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where a man tries to hand his not-yet-dead relative off to the “the cart” that takes away dead bodies. The sick man repeatedly calls out, “I’m not dead,” but he never says anything about resting.

Nevertheless, the non-quote quote felt like an unfair hint at Han Solo possibly being alive. And that’s impossible, right? There’s no way Han is alive after the events of The Force Awakens. But it was a funny joke, at the least. It seems fans will get a real answer when Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres December 15. (But, uh, the answer’s gonna be that he’s dead.)

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