
'Logan' Will Have "Bitchin' Knife Fights," Says Director

by Eric Francisco
20th Century Fox, Fandango

The third and final Wolverine movie, Logan, from director James Mangold, is giving Hugh Jackman’s rugged mutant a violent send-off. In a recent interview, Mangold said that he sees Logan as a western and that his hopes for the films hinged on Wolverine going berserk with his signature weapon, his adamantium claws.

“I wanted to see the claws in action,” Mangold said of Wolverine’s big screen, R-rated swan song. “I wanted to see what people have always wanted to see, which were bitchin’ knife fights where you weren’t looking away at the very moment you wanted to be looking.”

Mangold admits there’s a lot of pressure to making comic book movies, especially one that’s as different from the usual fare as Logan. “I can’t please everybody because there are so many aspirations people want for these movies,” Mangold told Fandango. “But I think the one that I share and that is universal is the desire to see the intensity, the darkness and the adult nature of the Wolverine character.”

“Much of the Marvel library is full of adult characters with adult themes that don’t always get to be explored because [other studios are] making four-box movies for children,” he added. “I think we’re making it very clear that were making a grown-up movie.”

Billed as the final film to star Hugh Jackman as the ex-X-Man, Mangold confirmed that Logan gives the character a solid farewell. Mangold said his team “worked very hard to craft a tale that makes you feel like this is the end.”

Ryan Reynolds might be doing his best to convince Jackman to return for a future Deadpool movie, but Mangold said he and Jackman both have “other stories to tell.”

Logan will be released on March 3.

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