New 'Rogue One' Clip Might Mean Jyn Erso Is Force-Sensitive
"May the Force be with us."

A Rogue One: A Star Wars Story clip released on Friday offers a few new images among the already familiar ones, like when a woman we’ve seen before tells a young Jyn Erso to “trust in the Force.” The trailer’s tagline — “In three weeks, trust the Force” — zeroes in on the role of the Force (the energy field created by all living things that binds the galaxy together) in Rogue One.
This further adds to the speculation that actress Felicity Jones’s character, Jyn Erso, is Force-sensitive. “May the Force be with us,” she says amidst the chaos of the one-minute, 35-second trailer.
Gareth Edwards is directing the film, which takes place before the events of the first Star Wars film, A New Hope, which premiered in 1977. In the Star Wars universe, the end of Rogue One takes place 10 minutes before the first events in A New Hope.
Is Jyn Erso Force-sensitive? Speculation has been building for weeks, and this trailer only nudges us all closer to that conclusion. This tweet from a fan sums it up:
In the trailer, Erso explains that the Empire is building a weapon capable of destroying an entire planet. “They call it the Death Star.” Erso and a group of Rebel fighters set out to steal the plans for the planet-sized battle ship so they can eventually destroy it. We know the eventual fate of the Death Star, of course, but what we’ll learn in the film is if Erso and her team are successful in stealing those plans.
The Death Star in 'Rogue One.'
Along with the new trailer, the studio also announced that Rogue One tickets go on sale on Monday, November 28. The film opens in U.S. theaters on December 16, and will show in 3D, RealD 3D and IMAX 3D formats.
Less than a month from the opening, it’s party time for Star Wars fans.
In the Star Wars universe, droids are all the rage, and what would Rogue One be without its own (albeit less adorable) droid for fans to fawn over? Cue K-2SO, voiced by Alan Tudyk, who provides a bit of humor in the latest trailer.
“I’ll be there for you,” K-2SO tells Jyn. “The captain said I had to.”
Here’s the latest clip: