Listen to 3 Tracks from the 'Stranger Things' Soundtrack
Put these on and save your friends from the Demogorgon.

It’s here. Not the Demogorgon, fortunately, but the first three tracks from Netflix’s official Stranger Things soundtrack; they’re great, and you should listen to them immediately.
Netflix’s original announcement for the recent supernatural thriller mega-hit’s soundtrack was pretty scarce on details; the company only wrote that it was “coming soon.”
Thankfully, soon is now (or, tomorrow). The first part of a two-volume set of the synth-heavy score, created by musicians Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein of the Austin-based band S U R V I V E, will be released digitally on August 12 with a CD release hitting stores on September 16 via Lakeshore Records. The second volume goes digital on August 19, and the tangible release of Vol. 2 follows on September 23.
If you can’t wait to get transported back to all the telekinetic government-sponsored Demogorgon shenanigans from 1983, Netflix just shared three tracks from Vol. 1 that you can listen to below.
The first track, entitled “Kids,” can be heard in the show’s opening minutes just before Will Byers is captured and taken to the Upside Down.
The next track, called “A Kiss,” is from the scene where Eleven and Mike, well, share a kiss before everything goes to shit in the final chapter of the first season.
The last track, “She’ll Kill You,” is a bit trickier to describe. We think it’s from the scene where El uses her powers to levitate Mike back to solid ground after two bullies force him to jump into the ravine where Will’s (supposed) body was found. Either way it just makes us want to watch the whole first season over again to figure out where to listen to such a killer track.
While you listen to those, here’s the track list for Stranger Things, Vol. 1 (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack):
- 01 Stranger Things
- 02 Kids
- 03 Nancy and Barb
- 04 This Isn’t You
- 05 Lay-Z-Boy
- 06 Friendship
- 07 Eleven
- 08 A Kiss
- 09 Castle Beyers
- 10 Hawkins
- 11 The Upside Down
- 12 After Sarah
- 13 One Blink For Yes
- 14 Photos in the Woods
- 15 Fresh Blood
- 16 Lamps
- 17 Hallucinations
- 18 Hanging Lights
- 19 Biking to School
- 20 Are You Sure?
- 21 Agents
- 22 Papa
- 23 Cops Are Good at Finding
- 24 No Weapons
- 25 Walking Through the Nether
- 26 She’ll Kill You
- 27 Run Away
- 28 No Autopsy
- 29 Dispatch
- 30 Joyce and Lonnie Fighting
- 31 Lights Out
- 32 Hazmat Suits
- 33 Theoretically
- 34 You Can Talk to Me
- 35 What Else Is There to Do?
- 36 Hawkins Lab
And just because, here’s an extended fan video of the opening theme, appropriately titled “Stranger Things.’