Hear Clips From Composer Junkie XL's 'Deadpool' Score
The Dutch multi-instrumentalist and composer is now one of the most sought-after musicians in Hollywood.

Remember when film composers had boring names like John Williams or James Horner or Jerry Goldsmith? Now you have to be called something like Disasterpeace or Junkie XL to compose some of the most prominent movies of the year. In fact, Junkie XL (or, as his family calls him, Tom Holkenborg) has had a breakout couple of years composing scores to movies like Black Mass, the Liam Neeson thriller Run All Night, and the Point Break remake to name a few. Most recently he did the churning, appropriately balls-to-the-wall score for Mad Max: Fury Road, and now he’s doing the music for the upcoming anti-superhero movie Deadpool.
The full score is available for all those physical-media freaks out there to buy via Milan Records, but today, fans of intangible media can get their fix with a few samples from the upcoming soundtrack on Soundcloud. Listen to some samples from Junkie XL’s Deadpool score below.
It’s the same kind of electronica-tinged tunes that Junkie XL has done in the past, so it’s definitely recognizable. It’ll be interesting to see if he breaks into more traditional soundtrack territory with his upcoming collaboration with composer Hans Zimmer on the score for the Batman v. Superman.
As for Deadpool, it seems like we’ve gotten a sense of everything the movie has to offer so far, but now all we have to do is find out what the movie is going to be like. Lucky for fans, Deadpool slides into theaters a week from tomorrow, on February 12.