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Just For Men

The HPV guide for men

Experts say men just don't know enough about HPV. Let's change that.

BySarah Sloat

How New HPV Findings Change What Many Thought About the Vaccine

There are hopeful signs that the cancer-causing virus will one day be eliminated.

BySarah Sloat

Does HPV Cause Ball Pain? Sexual Health Expert Explains Why It May Hurt

It's the most common STI in America, but does it hurt?

ByEmma Betuel

Can You Get HPV From Kissing? Sexual Health Experts Address a Common Fear

"These are all considered what we call low risk activities."

ByEmma Betuel

HPV Vaccination Regime Targeting Boys Will Make Virus 'A Thing of the Past'

In the UK, HPV vaccination is no longer just for girls.

BySarah Sloat

1 in 9 Men Now Have Oral HPV: What Does That Mean For You?

The STI is more and more becoming a men's problem.

ByPeter Hess

Almost Half of American Men Have HPV

Yet just 10.7 of males received the vaccination.

ByKastalia Medrano

Not Enough Boys Are Getting Their HPV Shots

A huge amount of adolescent males aren't receiving the HPV vaccination because doctors are recommending it.

BySarah Sloat