Penis size chart: Reddit reveals the ideal dick size
Don't worry, you're fine. It's fine.

Anyone with a penis has probably wondered if they’re... normal. “Dick size” is a common concern for many, and while it’s not the most important thing, it’s an understandable issue. Thankfully, we have the penis size chart, courtesy of Reddit.
In 2017, Reddit users decided to apply science to the problem by asking 761 people about the length and circumference they look for in a sexual partner’s penis. The results were shared on the popular data visualization subreddit “Data Is Beautiful,” and while they won’t come as a huge shock to most, they’re still pretty interesting.
The results of the survey — which are actually SFW, containing only some sexy charts — break down into four graphs outlining the distribution of average and desired penis measurements. Each of the four graphs considers some parameter: “Dong Availability” (the actual measurements of dongs out there), “Females Want” (what female redditors wanted from their partners), “Males Want” (what male redditors wanted from their partners), or “Others Want.” People provided their own measurements, so the data should be taken with a grain of salt.
The penis size chart
How penis length measured up in the Reddit survey.
The fifth chart takes all that data and presents them in a heat map format, showing the final “Distribution of Wants vs. Haves.”
Petition to add "Dong Availability" to the academic scientific lexicon.
According to the charts, the average Reddit participant dingus is between 6 and 7 inches long and 5 to 6 inches around. That matches pretty well to the typical schlong that female users desired, but men wanted partners sporting dicks measuring 1 inch longer than that, on average.
It turns out that these preferences and averages are also well-documented within the realm of academic science, as many researchers in need of a new publication on their resume seem to have whipped out their trusty ol’ measuring tape and set out in search of dong data. And the results of this Reddit survey seem to be pretty consistent with what they’ve found.
The sample sizes in a 2015 study published in BJU International measured just shy of 700 erect penis lengths and just under 400 circumferences. Of those numbers, the average length was about 5.17 inches, and the average circumference was 4.59 inches.
What the penis size chart reveals
According to that study, the typical redditor’s penis is average length, but has an above-average girth. However, the redditor who compiled the data suggests that some responders may have gotten circumference confused with width or some other measurement, as the data seemed skewed at first glance — with many saying they thought women preferred particularly narrow peens.
Another 2015 report published in PLOS ONE explained that women who selected their favorite among a set of 3D models reportedly wanted their one-time partners to have a penis that was 6.4 inches long and 5.0 inches around, while they wanted long-term partners to have a 6.3-inch-long willie with a circumference of 4.8 inches. These two studies are consistent with the vast wealth of penis data snaking through various academic and medical journals, though some researchers have admitted that their measurements could have been more precise. Perhaps, they suggest, measurements would have been just a little longer if they held the tape measure closer to their pubis. They promise — it’s normally bigger than that.
To the relief of anxious teenage boys everywhere, the data reinforces Reddit’s finding that the average penis seems to match up to what people say they want from their partners.
But for those who still face small penis anxiety, try not to worry too much. After all, if the president of the United States needs to wear a long, red tie to point out to the world that he does, in fact, have a penis, then you can’t be doing all that bad.