Every safe combination you need for The Last of Us: Part II
How to become a "Codebreaker."

Surviving the apocalypse in The Last of Us Part II can feel downright impossible without the proper tools by your side, and one way to claim more materials for your satchel is to steal them from locked safes littered throughout the landscape of post-apocalyptic Seattle. You'll need to find the "Artifact" (usually a hand-written note in the area) to find the combination needed to unlock each safe.
This list includes every safe location and combination in Last of Us 2, broken down chapter by chapter. Can you collect all 14?
Last of Us 2 Jackson Safe Locations
Chapter: Patrol (1 Safe)
Supermarket Safe
- Code: 07-20-13
- Reward: supplements, alcohol, parts
The first safe in Last of Us 2 can be found in the Patrol chapter when you infiltrate a supermarket. Once you head upstairs and head through a crack on the wall, you might see an Employee of the Month board. Take a sharp right, and you'll go through a metal door. Inside the room, you'll find an artifact hinting at the safe combination and a picture of a dog. The safe is right next to the artifact.
Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1(Ellie) Safe Locations
Chapter: Downtown (3 Safes)
The big safe
(1 of 3) Bank Safe
- Code: 60-23-06
- Reward: Pump Shotgun
Immediately after passing through Seattle Gate 2, you'll spot a nearly destroyed building. Look inside to find an artifact hidden in a satchel. Pick it up for directions to a nearby bank. Once there, head to the room labeled "Safe Deposit Lockers." There will be another satchel on the floor containing the "Bank Heist Plans" artifact, which also includes the safe code. The safe will be in the same room.
(2 of 3) Gate Code Safe
- Code: 04-51
- Reward: trading card, health kit, parts
Head to the old West 2 gate on Madison Street between 6th and 5th Ave. Enter the area using the checkpoint gate code list that you acquired earlier. The code is 0451. Once you're inside, a big arrow will be on your right, pointing directly to the safe, suggesting that you use the same gate code to open the safe.
(3 of 3) Courthouse Safe
- Code: 86-07-22
- Reward: parts, supplements, alcohol, ammo
When you go downstairs in the courthouse and spot an open elevator shaft to your left, keep running to the end of the hallway. There will be a locked door, so break the window adjacent to that door to enter the room. The safe you're looking for will be underneath one of the windowsills. The combination is written across the nearby whiteboard.
Chapter: Capitol Hill (1 Safe)
Thrift Store Safe
- Code: 55-01-33
- Reward: ammo, medicine
After you've hit the street where there are basically tripwires every few steps, look to your left for a Thrift Store. Inside the store, you'll find the most thriftable thing of all, a safe. Nab the "Thrift Store Reminder" off the corkboard in the back-right to get a hint of the safe combination. The safe will be located in the room opposite the corkboard. Warning: When you open the door, an injured Clicker will be awaiting you inside.
Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) Safe Locations
Chapter: Hillcrest (1 Safe)
- Code: 30-82-65
- Reward: short gun holster, parts, ammo, explosive
Look for a dog grooming shop midway through the level and go through a hole in the wall. There will be a corkboard on the wall with the "Dale's Combo" item. It states the combination of a nearby safe located in an auto shop. Cut through a nearby tattoo parlor. When you exit through the backdoor, scan the area for grey letters reading "Auto." Inside, you'll find a safe, but look out for all the infected inside.
Chapter: The Seraphites (2 Safes)
(1 of 2) Bedroom safe
- Code: 10-08-83
- Reward: ammo, supplements
There's a white truck (pictured above) in the street, and above it is a breakable window. Inside the home, you can find a note on the table saying the combination is the date of their anniversary. Using the calendar next to the bed, you can learn the anniversary was October 8, 1983.
(2 of 2) Pharmacy safe
- Code: 38-55-23
- Reward: alcohol, supplements, ammo, medicine
After you've defeated your first Scar brute and returned to Seatle's flooded streets, look for Weston's Pharmacy on your left. When you enter, the "Pharmacy Note" will be under the register with the combo written on it. There will be a small crawl space deeper into the store, through which you can find the safe.
All Seattle Day 3 (Ellie) safe locations in Last of Us 2
Chapter: The Flooded City (1 Safe)
- Code: 70-12-64
- Reward: parts, ammo, alcohol, supplements
When you're asked to open a gate to get your boat to the other side, refuse it. Instead, head upstairs, you'll find a corpse holding the "Stash Note" artifact. Grab it to get the code for a safe. Beside the corpse, there will be a cart, move it to open up a crawl space to the corresponding safe.
Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 1 (Abby) Safe Locations
Chapter: On Foot (1 Safe)
Big Win safe
- Code: 17-38-07
- Reward: hunting pistol and ammo
Once you've completed the boat puzzle, you'll find a smashable trailer that you can enter. Inside, in front of the coffee pot, there's an artifact called "Paul to Marta letter" referencing a "big win." A lottery ticket will have the combination numbers circled in red. Exit the trailer to find the MS Corporation Soft Drink Distribution Center, which you can enter via wall crack. The safe will be inside on your left.
Chapter: Hostile Territory (1 Safe)
Jasmine Bakery safe
- Code: 68-96-89
- Reward: supplements, ammo, medicine, binding
While traversing a tight Chinatown street, you'll be able to the Ruby Dragon restaurant, which is vaguely covered in ivy. Ascend to the second floor using the stairs in the back. Once there, you'll encounter a few clickers. After slaying the clickers, use the balcony to reach the other side of the street. Enter the room on your left. You'll get an artifact letter from Mei to Bo, featuring the code 68-96-89. Head back to the street level and search for Jasmine Bakery, which has magenta signage and a boarded up front door. Use the window to under. The safe will be located behind the counter in the back.
Chapter: The Coast (1 Safe)
Mutiny Note Safe
- Code: 90-77-01
- Reward: training manual, parts, ammo
After picking up your Crossbow on the boat, head to the end of the hallway. There will be an artifact called "Mutiny Note" sitting beneath a WTA logo on the wall with the code for your next safe. Head to the ship's bow to find the safe.
Last of Us 2 Seattle Day 2 (Abby) Safe Locations
Chapter: The Shortcut (1 Safe)
Neighbor Exchange Safe
- Code: 30-23-04
- Reward: parts, explosive, ammo
After launching yourself from the broken highway, smash some glass to enter an apartment. If you spot a tabletop game, you'll know you're in the right place. Look for a whiteboard in the kitchen to acquire the "Neighbor Exchange" artifact sitting below it with the code. Make a 180 and head for a nearby closet to find the safe.
Chapter: The Descent (1 Safe)
Gym Safe
- Code: 12-18-79
- Reward: alcohol, binding, supplements, explosive
Head on down to the Orchard's store. Beyond the register, you'll find the "Gym Safe Combo" artifact pinned to a nearby bulletin board in the kitchen. The note includes the detail that the safe is located in the closet. The combination is the same as the Wi-Fi password written in the exercise room, which can be found by cutting through the pool area. You'll see a Wi-Fi symbol to denote the space. From the symbol scan the area for signs reading "Exit" and "21st floor." To the left of those signs, there will be a janitor's closet containing the safe.
The Last of Us 2 is now available for PS4.
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