Everything you need to know about the Genshin Impact Slime Paradise event
Slime time!

Get your PlayStation 4 slimed. In early January, Genshin Impact hosted Slime Paradise, one of many events the game hosts. If you play on PC or Mobile, the event ran concurrently with Hypostatic Symphony throughout the back half of January. If you’re limited to playing Genshin Impact on PS4 or PS5, you had no way of enjoying the event ... until now!
Developer miHoYo announced March 9, 2021 that Slime Paradise will be making a second run exclusively for console players. There will be a few alterations for the re-release.
Here’s everything we know about the Slime Paradise event.
When is the Genshin Impact Slime Paradise event start date?
Slime Paradise will hit PS4s and PS5s on March 24 at 11 p.m. Eastern. An end date has yet to be announced, but it will likely last a week, concluding on April 1.
Slime Paradise: Great Adventure.
How do you play Genshin Impact’s Slime Paradise event?
Like other web events that have been ported to consoles, you’ll likely have to start the event by using a link that lands in your mailbox when it begins. This will bring you to your consoles web browser. Once there, you’ll be able to complete the event.
The event consists of a theme park based on Slimes and made for Slimes to enjoy. You’ll be tasked with sprucing the place up. To achieve this, you’ll need to spend a currency called Paradise Coins to purchase decorations. Every decoration you purchase will attract different visitors, earning you Paradise Tickets that can be spent on rewards.
You’ll earn 500 Paradise Coins per day for simply logging on, so it will take some amount of time to get everything the game has to offer.
What are the Genshin Impact Slime Paradise rewards?
We don’t yet know what rewards will be on the console edition, but the original Slime Paradise event had these rewards available:
- 30 Primogems for 2000 Paradise Tickets. This could be purchased four times.
- A Hero’s Wit experience book for 600 Paradise Tickets. This could be purchased five times.
- 10,000 Mora for 600 Paradise Tickets. This could be purchased 10 times.
- Five Fine Enhancement Ore for 300 Paradise Tickets. This could be purchased five times.
- 500 Mora for 100 Paradise Tickets. This could be purchased 99 times.
To purchase everything in the event, you needed 28,400 Paradise Tickets.
Are there any changes to the new Slime Paradise event?
We’re not yet sure how the console rendition of the event will differ. It likely will. MiHoYo rarely keeps events the same, as seen by the Marvelous Merchandise event, which changed significantly during its second run. We’re bound to learn plenty more as the event approaches.