Literature sample locations

Game Guide

'Fortnite' literature samples: Where to obtain 5 in Lazy Lake, Retail Row, and Pleasant Park

A new 'Fortnite' Chapter 2, Season 6 Week 2 challenge has players obtain literature samples. Here's where to find them in Lazy Lake, Retail Row, and others.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 challenges dropped early this week.

Weekly challenges are a Fortnite staple, though some of them arrived on Tuesday instead of the usual Thursday. While Epic Games did clarify on Twitter that this was a mistake, this week’s challenges are still live in-game and you have until next Thursday to beat them. You’ll be thankful for the extra time with this challenge too!

After completing a challenge asking players to ride zip lines, players are then tasked with finding at least four Literature Samples around the map.

There are five known samples to collect across three named locations: Lazy Lake, Pleasant Park, and Retail Row. So this can be quite a time-consuming challenge if you don’t know where to look. But that’s why we’re here.

Fortnite Lazy Lake Literature Sample locations

The first Literature Sample at Lazy Lake is in the building right next to the pool. If you go into the basement garage and walk over to the stairwell, you’ll see a bookshelf with a sign that says “Lazy Lake Spa” right above it. Interact with it and you should collect the sample.

The location of the first Literature Sample at Lazy Lake

Epic Games

As we mentioned, each location actually has two Literature Samples in it. For the second one, you’ll want to go to the gas station in Lazy Lake. Near the entrance, you will find a magazine stand that you can interact with.

The location for the second Literature Sample at Lazy Lake.

Epic Games

Doing so will get you the literature sample. From here, you can either go to the other locations to find the next samples or just finish this match and continue in the next round you play.

Fortnite Pleasant Park Literature Sample locations

In Pleasant Park, the Literature Samples are found in random houses. The grey home on the southwestern end of Pleasent Park contains the sample in a small bookshelf that’s not fully stocked on the first floor.

The first Literature Sample at Pleasant Park.

Epic Games

The second Literature Sample can be found in the brick house at the northwestern end of Pleasant Park. Enter the house and go through the first door on your left. Interacting with that bookshelf will get you the next Literature Sample that you need.

The second Literature Sample location in Pleasant Park

Epic Games

While you can certainly get the samples from multiple areas during one match, it may be faster to immediately drop into each area across three games.

Fortnite Retail Row Literature Sample locations

The Literature Samples on Retail Row make the most sense as they are actually in a bookstore. Go into McGuffin’s bookstore at retail row and walk up to the two magazine stands next to the staircase in the back of the store.

The Retail Row Literature Sample’s location.

Epic Games

Like with the other samples, interacting with this will net you the required Literature Sample and you’ll finally complete the challenge if you hadn’t done so already. You’ll be rewarded with 24,000 XP for completing it, so it’s definitely worth checking out if you want to level up.

Just make sure you’ve unlocked this challenge first, as the bookshelves won’t appear at these locations until that challenge is active.

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