Everything you need to know about Apex Legends Season 11
Escape from paradise.

Apex Legends Season 11 — titled “Escape” — is expected to start soon, which means we’ll soon have a brand new battle pass and a new Legend to try out. Given recent “Stories from the Outlands” reveals, here’s everything you need to know about Season 11 including its start date, trailers, Storm Point map, content leaks, and details about the new playable character called Ash.
When is the Apex Legends Season 11 start date and time?
As indicated by the in-game Battle Pass timer, Season 11 will start November 2. This date was confirmed in the “Escape Launch Trailer” released on October 21. As for the release time, we anticipate it going live around 1 p.m. Eastern regardless of the date.
Is there an Apex Legends Season 11 trailer?
Yes. On October 18, Respawn released a new “Stories from the Outlands” trailer delving into the backstory of Ash that explains the lore behind her upcoming Apex Games debut.
The “Ashes to Ash” Stories from the Outlands trailer
The launch trailer was released on October 21.
The Apex Legends Season 11 launch trailer
In it, the many existing Legends hang out on the new Storm Point map, and the new playable character Ash makes her cinematic debut in a squad with Mirage and Bangalore. Along the way, they fight other Legends and local wildlife.
The gameplay trailer, which shows the new Storm Point map in gameplay, was published on the morning of October 25.
The Apex Legends Season 11 gameplay trailer
A Battle Pass trailer showcasing some of the coolest rewards for the season dropped on the morning of November 1.
The Apex Legends Season 11 Battle Pass trailer
Who is Ash in Apex Legends Season 11?
As indicated by the Stories from the Outlands trailer, Ash, formerly known as Dr. Ashleigh Reid, is the next Legend being added to the roster. This character has been featured in leaks for quite a while, but she’s also been referenced multiple times in the game as well, most notably during Loba’s “Broken Ghost” questline that wrapped up in July of last year. During those missions players slowly rebuilt Ash’s head and then placed it on her cyborg body to bring her back to life.
Before becoming Ash, the cyborg was a human scientist named Ashleigh Reid.
Ash might also be familiar for fans of Titanfall, as she was a sub-boss who was at one time hired by the father of the Apex Games, Kuben Blisk. She was defeated on Typhon, leading her to be rebuilt by Vinson Dynamics.
Ash has a bone to pick with Horizon.
In Apex Legends specifically, she is first seen in human form as Horizon’s mentor, and she previously embarked on a quest with her to extract a mysterious element called Branthium from a black hole. At the end of that mission, Ash takes the Branthium for herself, leaving Horizon to die. In the days since, she becomes severely injured and has her consciousness uploaded to a cyborg. When that happens, Reid essentially becomes trapped and fully controlled by the AI’s nefarious desires.
What are Ash’s abilities in Apex Legends?
Ash’s abilities were officially confirmed on her official character page shortly after the Season 11 gameplay trailer debuted on October 25. They are very similar to the leaked abilities highlighted in a prior version of this article.
- Marked for Death [Passive]: Ash’s map shows the location of recent deathboxes and marks surviving attackers.
- Arc Snare [Tactical]: Throw a spinning sphere that damages and tethers the first enemy who gets too close.
- Phase Breach [Ultimate]: Tear open a one-way portal to a targeted location.
With these skills Ash could be a more offensive powerhouse as an alternate to Wattson.
Is there a new map?
Yes. The new tropical map, called Storm Point was officially revealed in the Season 11 Launch Trailer. Seen below, it features an island setting with a storm cloud hanging over it.
Here’s a first look at the new maps et to debut in Apex Legends Season 11.
Storm Point is set on a forgotten IMC research base. It’s also the game’s largest map, occupying a space that’s 15% bigger than World’s Edge. Players can use unique Gravity Cannons to zip around the map while still in control of their character’s weapons and pitch.
Prowlers are a new form of wildlife on Storm Point. Kill them to pick up some sweet loot.
The nefarious paradise is also home to strange wildlife including Prowlers, Spiders, and Flyers that spawn at specific Wildlife Nest locations. These locations are finite and static, meaning the same type and number of creature spawns in the same location each time. A Wildlife Nest can also be cleared by players and removed from the map as well. Wage battle with wildllife to get Smart Loot Drops, EVO Points, and Crafting Materials.
There are lots of weird foes to contend with on the island.
Storm Point features 17 named locations with many other small unnamed camps scattered across the map.
Baromeer is the hear of the new Storm Point map in Apex Legends.
- Barometer: “A spinning platform with a honeypot of loot is overlooked by a research tower that gives a height advantage, but is challenging to defend against attackers.”
- Command Center: “A massive complex that’s rich in loot and which allows players to dive into its heart from the dropship. It is also an excellent method for getting to the top of the mountain while protected.”
- The Antenna: “Divided by a network of catwalks positioned above a massive communications dish.”
- Checkpoint: “Suspended over a dense forest, Checkpoint allows you to disengage from an intense fight in new ways.”
- Lightning Rod: “Lightning Rod is a landing position located at the pinnacle of the mountain and is divided into two halves by a focused and intense bridge. The station's top is the highest position on the map.”
- Storm Catcher: “Suspended over a large area, Storm Catcher is an interior location with a focus on close-quarter combat.”
- North Pad: “A launch site that contains a network of protected trenches that allow safe passage over a wide range of rolling hills. Separating these trenches are underground bunkers and small watchpoints with loot.”
- The Mill: “Located at the farthest western position, the Mill's circular interior space contains high-value loot and the entryway towards the center river.”
- Shipfall: “The remnants of the original survivors of Storm Point, Shipfall, is all that remains of the doomed vessel.”
- Cenote Cave: “A secure network of coral reef caves, the Cenote is the most isolated section of the map and is filled with valuable loot and power positions.”
- The Wall: “The great divider between the northern beach and the mountain.”
- Highpoint: “Highpoint is the home to the only redeploy balloon on the map, sits at the top of the longest hill, and is a vital chokepoint to the top of the mountain.”
- Thunder Watch: “A gateway to the top of the mountain, its interior is a tightly focused close-quarter combat area with a Gravity Cannon that allows for quick access from the bottom of the mountain and a quick escape, if needed.”
- Cascade Falls: “A dense cluster of buildings placed near the waterfall, Cascade Falls acts as a focal point of the map due to its proximity to the map's center, making it the most traveled point of interest.”
- Launch Site: “The Launch Site sits in an alcove at the river's end and is a large area identified by two distinct landing zones: the outstretched landing pad and the control building.”
- Fish Farms: “A chain of islands separated by open water, the Fish Farms is a large area with a clean separation between the lootable buildings.”
- Gale Station: “Gale Station acts as a divider between the island's center and the southern section.”
What’s the new weapon in Apex Legends Season 11?
The upcoming season adds the C.A.R. SMG to the weapon roster, which has the following official description.
“A flexible weapon, the C.A.R. SMG is the gun for when you’re ready to make a stand and become the last Legend still standing.” It has the unique ability to swap between heavy and light ammo.
The C.A.R. SMG is Season 11’s new weapon.
What’s in the Apex Legends Season 11 patch notes?
According to the official patch notes published on October 28, the Season 11 update, which should be labeled as version 1.83 on PlayStation, will feature the following major changes
- A huge Wattson buff: Her fence crossing damage has been increased, her Pylons now last forever, and the friendly fence debuff lasts longer.
- Supply Drops: G7 Scout with Double-Tap Trigger added. Weapon rates have also been buffed across the board.
- Weapon changes: EVA-8 nerfed, Peacekeeper buffed, Longbow nerfed, L-Star nerfed, G7 Scout buffed.
- Ranked: Battle Royale has a new points system in which players are rewarded more for killing foes in tiers higher than them. Ranked Arenas will also feature two splits now, similar to Battle Royale.
What’s in the Apex Legends Season 11 Battle Pass?
According to the above trailer, the Apex Legends Season 11 Battle Pass contains the following rewards:
- Seven Apex Packs
- Six Weapon Skins: Cover-Fire Spitfire, Bucking Bronco 30-30, Ante Up Volt, Compound Fracture Bocek, reactive Pipe Dream Prowler.
- Six Load Screens
- Win Trackers for all Legends
- One Music Pack
- 300 Apex Coins
- Season Badge
- Skins include Legendary Desert Mirage, Legendary Glorious Combat Gibraltar, and Legendary Vision Walker Wraith.
You can see more by watching the trailer above.
Are there any Apex Legends Season 11 teasers?
Not too much worth discussing just yet. In early October, Respawn added a huge parachute pod to the Gardens area on Olympus. Interact with the laptops there, and you’ll see a manifest that references Bangalore and her missing brother.
The community feels finding Bangalore’s brother might tie into the lore of the new Storm Point map. More in-game teases are likely on the horizon, so we’ll do our best to detail those as they become available.
This article was originally published on