
The 'Deadpool' Game Is Getting a Re-Release on Xbox One and PS4

Prettier graphics don't make it any more fun.

by Eric Francisco

If you watched the holy-smokes Deadpool trailer and thought “This would be a kickass video game!” then I have good news and bad news. The good news: There is a video game, and it’s coming to Xbox One and PlayStatoon 4! The bad news: It’s not good.

To ride the hype of the upcoming movie early next year, the 2013 video game Deadpool developed by High Moon Studios for the previous generation is getting a makeover for the current crop of home consoles. Set for release on November 17, the game will include all DLC and retail for an iffy $50, according to Kotaku.

It’s not that the game is bad … but it’s nothing you really want to play. It had the humor of Deadpool without any of his finesse. It was a hollow experience, echoing better hack-and-slash games like Ninja Gaiden that only motivated you to play Ninja Gaiden instead.

Clunky games are a fact of life. Paying $50 for clunky games, though? Better games have been “remastered” for the Xbox One and PS4 that had a far cheaper price tag. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is a remastered Gears of War, one of the seminal, game-changing titles of the last console generation. It retails for $40. Still, if being a red gun-toting ninja is your fancy, this is your only fix.

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