
Elisabeth Moss Loses Her Shit in 'Queen of Earth' Trailer

Peggy doesn't live here anymore.

by Gem Seddon

This morning, our rundown of the Emmy Nominations included a spot in the Outstanding Drama Actress category for Elisabeth Moss. As the once-beleaguered yet ultimately empowered Peggy Olson, Moss was a revelation. Not to throw about hyperbole but come on! The breadth of change Peggy undergoes from secretary to copy chief is handled with the utmost attention to detail.

Even if she comes away empty-handed, she undoubtedly has a long, illustrious career ahead of her. Case and point: Queen of Earth, her first major release since departing the halls of Sterling-Cooper. If this French trailer imparts one message it’s that Peggy most definitely does not live here anymore. Go on, have a look for yourself.

In the film, Moss plays a young artist who loses her father and boyfriend in quick succession, which causes her to head to a beachside retreat to regroup with an old friend. Beaches, this is not.

The thrust of the preview is in Moss’ staccato voiceover, presumably plucked from a later catharsis in the movie. Profanity is uttered with an eerie beauty. Insults are dished out with an ice cold detachment. It leaves plenty to the imagination, as the plot is only slightly grazed upon, but we recommend you do the following: Close your eyes, play it again, and picture Peggy utterly decimating the Sterling Cooper patriarchy circa season one.