James Bond Thinks He's Too Good for Star Wars
007 responds to Stormtrooper cameo rumors with the professionalism of a career drunk.

Daniel Craig has responded to the rumors concerning his Stormtrooper cameo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens in the most indignant way possible. When prompted by an Entertainment Weekly reporter to address the matter, Craig fires back a retort with schoolboy-ish vitriol:
“Why would I ever bother doing something like that?. “Fucking hell! Pffft. Play an extra in another movie?”
Clearing up ugly rumors is part of the territory for celebrities. It’s understandable wanting to set the record straight, but we’re talking one of the biggest movie franchises of all time. Tons of celebrated, Oscar-winning actors have appeared in tiny bit parts and major leading roles over its six-film stretch. There’s no need to get uppity, it’s not an affront to his manhood.
Still, it seems Craig is displeased with the man who started it all. Simon Pegg blabbed to journos at the premiere of Man Up, denying his own involvement in the J.J. Abrams’ sequel but pointing the finger squarely at Craig. “I shouldn’t have said that,” he quickly responded - implying that the whole thing was a gag. Craig didn’t find any of it funny, as his later comments denote:
“Talk to Simon Pegg. He obviously knows way more than I do. He’s just jealous because he’s not in Star Wars. He’s got some issue with J.J. I don’t know what the fuck it is. You need to talk to Simon about it.”
The kicker is of course that Pegg is in The Force Awakens. His purported involvement was confirmed over the weekend in the behind-the-scenes featurette screened at Comic-Con. Decked out in a plump alien costume, he pops up twice in the four-minute video — giddy as a schoolgirl.