Like the rest of us, the Tesla Model 3 is getting its body ready for the summer (just kidding — I’m not). Elon Musk’s affordable all-electric car is set to debut in July, but the prototype models have been cropping up from time to time for a few months now.
On Thursday, an Instagram user snagged a few pictures capturing a white prototype doing highway testing. The cool thing about them is they show the lengths Tesla is ready to go to test out its next big thing. As Elecktrek notes, the Model 3 is being built in Tesla’s Fremont factory, but most of the testing is happening in Palo Alto, at the company’s headquarters.
To get there, it looks like Tesla is loading the newborn Model 3s into box trucks and driving them up and down the California coast. Sugi Widjaja spotted the Model 3 getting unloaded from said truck along the highway, and snapped a few quick shots.
In what appears to be the same outing, Northern California dashcam also got a minute or so of tape of the Model 3 cruisin’ along. Check it out:
I’m pretty sure this is the same prototype (or a very similar one) that we spotted hauling ass in this video earlier this month. You’ll notice the gaps between the doors and body panels are still pretty wide. Usually, prototype models are used to make sure everything fits together right, and then the design is tightened up for release, so if the whole thing looks a little slapdash right now, it won’t look like that in July.