Bernie Sanders Just Printed Out a Giant Tweet by Donald Trump on CSPAN
Politicians are currently debating healthcare budgets.

On Wednesday afternoon, while debating the repeal of Obamacare, Bernie Sanders got a little creative with a huge print-out of a tweet from President-elect Donald Trump. While it might appear humorous at first, Sanders used the visual aid to grab people’s attention and call out Trump for flipping on promises he had made about healthcare.
“There’s a lot of responsibly on Mr. Trump’s shoulders,” Sanders said. “But I would hope he could save us a whole lot of time by telling the American people that he was sincere in what he said during the campaign was not lying and if that is the case, we can end the discussion and get in the serious business of how we create a quality healthcare system guaranteeing healthcare to all people in a cost-effective way.”
To help bring the point home, Sanders had the tweet propped up behind him while presenting.
While campaigning, Trump promised that he wouldn’t cut Medicare and Medicaid benefits. The tweet is originally from May 7, 2015 and reads, “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. Huckabee copied me.”
The Senate is currently discussing healthcare budgets, including those that would affect Medicare and Medicaid. During his speech, Sanders said that if Trump was going to end up cutting these programs, that he should just admit that he was lying while campaigning.
Sanders said, “Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word.”
While there might be speculation on how Trump’s Twitter could land him in trouble, Sanders has found one way to use the president-elect’s tweets against him. You can watch the whole speech here, with the tweet being pulled out at around the 44-minute mark, or just the relevant clip below: