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Scott Pruitt's Last Act at EPA: Blocking Cancer-Causing Chemical Warnings

Advisers to the departing EPA Administrator may be delaying a dire warning.

ByJosie Rhodes Cook

Just 18 Reasons Why Scott Pruitt Might Have Quit as EPA Chief

Trust us, there were some that hit the cutting room floor.

ByBen Goggin

Pruitt's Monster Coal Jobs Lie Is Just the Latest Deception

He's really dug himself into a hole on this one.

ByJacqueline Ronson

The One Public Health Problem Scott Pruitt Should Fix Came Up Today

Asthma. It's asthma.

ByNick Lucchesi

5 Reasons Why Scott Pruitt Makes the EPA's Career Scientists Nervous

The fox will watch the henhouse.

ByNathaniel Mott

Three Climate Change Denials by Scott Pruitt, Trump's EPA Pick 

He's going to make waves.

ByTonya Riley

Does Trump's EPA Appointment Set Environmental Justice Back?

The Trump administration is likely to deprioritize environmental protection measures. 

ByThe Conversation