Wordle 241 answer: 3 Clues to solve the February 15, 2022 puzzle
Something smells fishy about Wordle 241.

Wordle 241 has arrived, offering those addicted to the five-letter puzzle game another chance at word-solving glory. Have your best starter words come up empty for the February 15 game? Does every learned strategy seem to have betrayed you? Below, we offer three clues to solve today’s Wordle while revealing the latest daily answer. Here’s everything you need to know about playing Wordle over the next 24 hours.
Wordle 241 clues
We’re big believers in maintaining the sanctity of Wordle’s central puzzle-solving mechanic. With that in mind, before fully revealing the answer for February 15, we’ll offer up three clues that may point you toward the answer without being painfully overt. Each clue gets more revealing the further down the list you go, so we recommend skipping the final clue if you’d like to keep some sense of mystery intact.
Clue #1: The answer for Wordle 241 is a noun.
Clue #2: The latest Wordle solution has three vowels: an A in the first position, an O in the third position, and another A in the fifth position.
Clue #3: This is a word that’s strongly associated with how something smells.
If you’re still having trouble deducing the answer, it may help to remember the Wordle solution list features words mostly found in everyday language and doesn’t emphasize plurals. If you were thinking of trying a word with the letter S to expose that possibility, we would advise against it today.
Wordle 241 answer
Based on the three clues listed above, you may have figured out that the answer for Wordle 241 on February 15, 2022, is AROMA.
Here’s the answer for Wordle 241 on February 15, 2022.
You can see from our own guesses that our standard starter word, SLATE, almost came up completely empty despite revealing that at least one A was featured in today’s word. From there we went with MARRY, as a five-letter word with an A that otherwise leverages entirely different letters from SLATE. That strategy proved to be very effective, as it showed us that M, A, and R are all part of the February 15 solution. From there it was just a matter of unscrambling those letters to come up with AROMA.
Even though Wordle 241 isn’t quite as difficult as the puzzle that came before it, we imagine this new answer might still be a little difficult for players to figure out. We haven’t seen too many solutions that begin and end in vowels, which I think might push players away from deducing the A, in particular, is at the start of the word. That said, there are some very popular vowel-heavy starting words that may reveal enough orange squares to expose the truth. As always, you don’t have to tell your friends you used us for help. As long as you gave your brain an honest workout today, we consider that worthy of keeping your daily streak alive.