Everything you need to know about the Saints Row reboot
Back to its roots.

The Saints Row series has been dormant since 2013’s Saints Row IV, but all of that is about to change with the next entry, as revealed at Gamescom 2021.
Simply titled Saints Row, this installment is a reboot and is totally separate from the rest of the series in more ways than one. It sends players to the city of Santo Ileso, which is inspired by the southwest and is the biggest world ever to be featured in a Saints Row game.
The team at Volition has been hard at work on Saints Row and is nearing the end of the development cycle. There’s a lot we already know about the next installment including its release date, details about its gameplay, how it compares to other entries, and its setting.
Here’s everything we know about the upcoming Saints Row reboot.
When is the Saints Row release date?
Saints Row will launch in 2022.
Saints Row will launch on February 25, 2022. It’s one of the many games set to launch in 2022, though February doesn’t seem too busy with releases currently, which should hopefully give Saints Row room to breathe.
What are the Saints Row platforms?
The Saints Row reboot will come to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
The Saints Row reboot is scheduled to launch on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, with cross-play implemented on day one. Players on older generation hardware such as the PS4 will still be able to experience Saints Row’s co-op with those on newer platforms such as the PS5.
There are no plans for a Nintendo Switch version at this time.
Is there a Saints Row trailer?
There is! The reveal trailer shows off a lot of Santo Ileso, along with some of the characters, and weapons. It sets the tone for the Saints Row reboot, which is aiming to be slightly more grounded, with a sprinkle of wackiness.
Where does Saints Row fit into the overall timeline?
Since this is a reboot, Saints Row does not fit into the same timeline as the other games.
Since Saints Row is a reboot, it doesn’t take place in the same timeline as previous entries.
“This is a chance for us to go back to our origins and get back to that more contemporary crime angle, that we love and what Saints Row is known for,” said Jim Boone, chief creative officer, Deep Silver Volition.
The team at Volition acknowledged that previous entries had sent players everywhere, from areas all over the planet to space and even hell — meaning there wasn’t much else the developer could do other than reboot the series.
“It was a great opportunity for us to tell the story we wanted to tell and most importantly tell a story that is contemporary that we think the people will relate to,” Boone added.
“What that means is, that could be everything from imagining the kind of debt that people deal with these days, student loans, the kinds of things you want to be able to do for the American Dream; imagine if you were in that world and you could form your own criminal empire.”
This means the reboot won’t have to adhere to any of the story elements of previous entries, and can instead, stand on its own. Though, that doesn’t mean it won’t still feel like Saints Row.
What is Saints Row gameplay be like?
Saints Row will be less wacky than before, though it will still feature some of the craziness you know and love.
One of the main takeaways is that Saints Row will be significantly more grounded than the more recent entries. That doesn’t mean there won’t still be silliness, but many of the wacky elements of previous installments won’t be present in the reboot. This will give the series a fresh start, separating it from the rest of the games.
In Saints Row, you’ll play as The Boss, a character who can be fully customized as you see fit. You’ll have a group of comrades that aim to assist you in building your criminal empire and each of those characters has a unique quirk and personality.
As you play, you’ll need to face off against the rival gangs, which consist of three groups including Los Panteros, Marshall Defense Industries, and The Idols. These gangs all have various motivations and traits, so you’ll need to know how to combat all of them to come out ahead.
Saints Row will feature third-person shooting, driving, customization, and the ability to expand your gang’s territory. This is one of the standout features of the new game, allowing you to place buildings where you see fit, developing a unique territory.
What is the Saints Row setting?
An all new setting is introduced in Saints Row.
One of the most notable differences in Saints Row is its setting, which sends players to the fictional world of Santo Ileso. This is an area inspired by the Southwest in the United States, full of deserts, along with urban cities that make it the most diverse world in the history of the series. It features nine districts, with many different ways to get around them including vehicles that can be customized for off-road use.
Santo Ileso is “Inspired by the weird, wild American Southwest, which is a fusion of the exaggerated and the eccentric creations of the people that inhabit this world,” said Brian Traficante, creative director, Deep Silver Volition.
“The history of this region has permeated into so much of our world and created something that you’ll never have seen before.”
This gives the game a Western feel, at least in terms of presentation. It’s unclear if the game’s narrative will lean into Western themes, but it’ll at least look the part.
Saints Row will launch for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on February 25, 2022.