How to unlock fast travel in Saints Row ASAP
It’s time to use that camera.

Saints Row is a back-to-basics reboot of the franchise, but it also features the biggest and most diverse location to date. Santo Ileso is a massive city that feels like Las Vegas was infused with a healthy dose of Texas, and there are plenty of fascinating landmarks to discover. While Saints Row’s open world map is a bit modest compared to others, it can still take a while to navigate unless you take a few steps. You’ll have to unlock fast travel in Saints Row, however, as it’s not a default mechanic you have access to — so here’s exactly how to do just that.
How to unlock fast travel in Saints Row
In order to unlock fast travel, you’ll need to take a photograph of each specific fast travel point. These are marked on your map as little yellow icons with a train on them, and they’re pretty easy to spot. If you hover over the icon on the map it’ll tell you exactly what you need to take a photo of in order to unlock that point, such as Panther Rock.
Fast travel is certainly a bit easier than driving everywhere, as fun as that might be.
Now, the only issue is that the photos can be a bit finicky. To take a picture, open your main menu and select the camera option. If you bring up the camera near the object, you’ll see a little border appear around it, but you need to make sure the photo is centered and at the proper distance. You might need to navigate around a bit and remove any obstacles from your view. Essentially, you’ll want to line up the icons around the object with the lines of your camera and make sure the object itself is in the very center of your frame. If you need to, you can also adjust the zoom of your camera using the left and right triggers.
Once you’ve taken the proper photo, you’ll unlock the fast travel point and the icon will change to purple. To use fast travel, simply open your map go to the point and press X (or A) to travel.
All Fast Travel Points
There are a total of seven fast travel points scattered throughout Santo Ileso, with another being added after you beat the game and place the Saints Tower, which costs eight million dollars. Below we’ll show you each of the points and where to find them.
The Church
At the start of the game, The Apartment will be the very first fast travel point you unlock, but once you progress the story a bit and obtain the church, the point will switch to that. This fast travel point is unlocked automatically and you won’t need to do anything.
Bear Lake
Found in the Marina West section of the city, Bear Lake requires you to take a picture of, well, a bear. The statue sits in the middle of a little lake just off the street.
Cactus Bill
Found in the Lakeshore South area of the city. This landmark is pretty easy to spot as it’s a gigantic cactus statue with a hat, and it even glows at night. There aren’t a lot of other objects nearby, so it should be easy to photograph.
El Dorado
Found in the El Dorado section of the city, this one’s a bit tricky. You need to actually take a photo of the El Dorado sign that sits above the main road. You’ll likely need to use the zoom function to get a clear picture.
Lone Wolf
Found in the Badlands South area, this wolf statue basically sits right where the three roads meet, and it’ll be up on top of a rock, giving you a clear picture.
Panther Rock
Found in the West Providencia area, Panther Rock is a massive landmark that you really can’t miss when you’re driving around. To get the picture lined up right you might need to move around a bit and play with the zoom.
Twin Coyote
The final landmark lies in the Rojas Desert North area, right next to the Twin Coyote Arcade store. You’ll need to do a bit of traveling to get there; Just head to the arcade, and the statues will be right outside.
Saints Row is currently available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
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