‘Fortnite’ Week 5 Legendary Quest guide
The aliens have been welcomed to Holly Hatchery.

Fortnite’s Week 5 Legendary Quest is live, and it sends players on a scavenger hunt for CB radios, welcome gifts, and alien nanites. In this all-encompassing challenge guide, we’ll reveal the locations you need to get the job done quickly and easily.
Where to get Slone’s orders from a payphone
Just like a few of the Legendary Quests before this one, the first step is to find a payphone to receive your orders. There are many payphones scattered around the map, and they’re typically found on the edges of named locations near roads. Here are a few specific spots to check.
There’s a payphone on the eastern edge of Believer Beach on the south side of the road.
There’s a payphone as you enter Believer Beach from the east.
There’s another payphone location next to the road as it heads out of the southwest corner of Pleasant Park. Just go to one of these two spots, and you should find a payphone with little issue. If all else fails, listen for the telephone ring sound as you work through a few matches.
You’ll also find a payphone entering Pleasant Park from the south.
Where to interact with CB radios in Fortnite
Once you have your orders from Slone, the next step is to interact with a CB radio. You’ll find plenty of options for that at different locations around Retail Row. Here are three locations you can use, but you only need one to get the challenge done.
CB radio location 1: Our first possible location is in the northwest section of the PoI.
The first CB radio is in northwest Retail Row.
It’s across the street from this blue house.
The radio is across the street from this blue house.
CB radio location 2: You can also find a CB radio in the northeast as well.
You’ll find another radio to the northeast.
The location is around the back, towards Nom’s.
The radio is in this area, towards he back of Nom’s.
CB radio location 3: Our third and final CB radio location is to the southeast. You’ll find it directly next to Joe’s coffee shop.
The third radio is in the southwest corner of Retail Row.
Simply approach one of these spots and interact with the radio to advance the quest and earn some sweet XP.
Where are the Fortnite welcome gifts in Holly Hatchery?
The next step is to place welcome gifts at specific spots in the newly renamed Holly Hatchery. All you’ve got to do is approach two of these spots and interact to move on with this step. We’ve found four locations you can use.
Welcome gift location 1: To the north, you’ll find this familiar alcove with the shrubbery arch. You can place a welcome gift here.
The first welcome gift is in this alcove to the north.
This is what the area looks like.
The welcome gift is in this area with the shrubbery arch.
Welcome gift location 2: The next location is further west from the previous spot.
The second location is in the northwest.
It’s at the bench across from this yellow house.
You can place the gift across from this yellow house.
Welcome gift location 3: Our third location is further south.
The third welcome gift location is further south.
You’ll find it near this chain-link fence in the new anti-grav area.
Look for this chain-link fence next to the anti-grav area.
Welcome gift location 4: As a fourth possibility, head to the west.
The fourth welcome gift is toward the west of Holly Hatchery.
You can place a welcome gift in front of this brick house with a blue top. As long as you use at least half of these locations, a nice purse of XP is yours for the taking.
Look for this brick house with the blue top. You can place a gift here.
Where to find and deploy Alien Nanites in Fortnite
One of the biggest topics bugging the Fortnite faithful over the last few hours is the matter of “Alien Nanites.” Despite the in-game news feed making a big deal about them, these new crafting materials can be a real pain to find. Unfortunately, you’ll need to locate one nanite to move on with this week’s quest.
Alien Nanites can be found as floor loot or Chest loot in Solos, Duos, and Squads.
Alien Nanites can be found in Solos, Duos, and Squads queues as floor loot, chest loot, or dropped by other players. Because they’re so rare, however, it may take a while to find one. Our best advice is to stick close to population centers like Pleasant Park, Believer Beach, and Holly Hatchery to give yourself the best opportunity for success. Once you find one, you can deploy it like any other throwable. After it’s tossed, the nanite creates an area of effect anti-gravity section. Just throw one nanite and move on with the quest.
Where are Zyg and Choppy in Fortnite?
Zyg and Choppy were added to Fortnite in an earlier update and then suspiciously removed. However, with the 17.10 content update on Tuesday, the pair has returned. It’s suggested they’ll move around the map, but for now, we’ve found them walking around Hydro-16. It’s marked on the map below.
Zyg and Choppy are typically found at Hydro-16.
Just go inside, and you should see them patrolling the area. When in doubt, look for the NPC chat bubble on your map. Approach them and press down on the D-pad or “B” on your keyboard to bust out your favorite move.
This is what the duo looks like.
How to get infected by an Alien Parasite and Talk to Sunny in Fortnite
The final challenge requires you to get infected by an Alien Parasite. Luckily, as you can see from this screenshot, Zyg appears to be one. Once you approach them, Zyg may latch onto your character’s head like so. You’ll know he’s done when your health bar changes color.
Zyg may clutch onto your head as you dance near him.
In the event that doesn’t work, head to one of the purple spots marked on the map here to locate an infected animal with a purple aura around it. Kill the animal itself without touching the parasite on its head. Once its host has perished, the parasite will jump to you. You’ll see the same results on your health bar.
Parasites are found in these purple shaded areas on the map. Kill the animals here and parasites will attack.
Finally, go see Sunny at the dock on Believer Beach. Talk to her while you’re infected to end the quest.
Go see Sunny at the Believer Beach dock.