How to open Call of Duty Scare Packages and unlock the LAPA SMG
All treats, no tricks.

It’s that spooky time of year again, folks. To celebrate Halloween, Call of Duty is hosting The Haunting event which features new game modes, frightening skins to unlock, and of course, all plenty of zombie scares. Aside from the aesthetic map changes during the event, the other major highlight is the new LAPA SMG. This weapon can only be unlocked by completing The Haunting challenges across Black Ops Cold War or Warzone, and some of them are a bit tricky. Especially if you’re having trouble figuring out how to open Scare Packages, we’ve got you covered with a guide to unlocking the LAPA ASAP.
Warzone The Haunting LAPA challenges
Since Warzone and Cold War share progression systems (as will Vanguard when it launches), you can unlock the LAPA in one game and use it across both. The Warzone challenges for unlocking the LAPA are tough and time-consuming, so unless you’re a skilled player, we advise attempting to earn the weapon in Cold War instead.
Nonetheless, the list of LAPA Warzone challenges can be found below, along with their specific rewards:
- Play 5 matches in The Ghosts of Verdansk playlist – Fire Slick M82 blueprint
- Earn a Top 10 final placement with your Squad in The Ghosts of Verdansk playlist 3 times – Frightening Watch
- Eliminate 10 enemy Ghosts in The Ghosts of Verdansk playlist – Respirator weapon charm
- Eliminate 10 enemy Humans while playing as your Operator in The Ghosts of Verdansk playlist – Final Summons animated emblem
- Eliminate 5 enemy Humans while playing as a Ghost in The Ghosts of Verdansk playlist – Bloody Knife reticle
- As a Ghost, redeploy as your Operator by collecting 3 souls or performing a Finishing Move on a standing, crouching, or prone Human enemy – Muderous Mime sticker
- Use 3 Scared Ground locations to reduce your Fear Meter in The Ghosts of Verdansk playlist – Underworld calling card
- Answer 3 phones in The Ghosts of Verdansk playlist – Prophecy sticker
- Experience 3 Hallucinations while you have a full Fear Meter in The Ghosts of Verdnask playlist – Tentacle weapon charm
As you can see, all the challenges are tied to The Ghost of Verdansk playlist. If you play that mode a lot, many of these challenges will come naturally.
Black Ops Cold War The Haunting LAPA challenges
The Ghostface Killer from Scream is an Operator in Call of Duty.
The easier way to unlock the LAPA is by playing Cold War multiplayer. Aside from the challenge that requires you to open a Scare Package, most of these are easier to accomplish than the Warzone tasks. Below are the challenges:
- Play and complete 5 matches in Multiplayer or Zombies The Haunting event playlists – Blasting Lantern blueprint
- Get 200 Multiplayer eliminations in the Nuketown Halloween 24/7 playlist or smash pumpkin heads in Zombies – Trick-or-Treat watch
- Finish Top 3 in Scream Deathmatch or successfully exfil in Hallow’s Eve Outbreak – Magic Broom weapon charm
- Get 30 Multiplayer eliminations in Infected or eliminate Special or Elite enemies in Zombies – Jack-O animated emblem
- Get 10 Melee Weapon kills in Multiplayer or earn Butcher medals in Zombies (5 rapid melee kills) – Spiderweb reticle
- Open 5 Scare Packages in Multiplayer or Zombies – Slash-O-Lantern sticker
- Get 50 Eliminations while using the Ghost perk in Multiplayer or kill enemies while cloaked in the Aether Shroud in Zombies – Jack’s Revenge animated calling card
- Get 3 Multiplayer kills with dying 3 times or earn Carnage medals in Zombies (10 rapid kills) – Keystone Capers arcade game
- Get 5 Multiplayer kills with fire damage or earn fire damage multi-kill medals in Zombies – Molar weapon charm
How to open a Call of Duty Scare Package
You can unlock Scare Packages in Cold War Multiplayer or Zombies.
The trickiest challenge of the bunch requires that you open five Scare Packages. The game doesn’t really offer any information about Scare Packages, so it’s confusing trying to figure out how to open five of them. There are two ways to get a Scare Package: in Multiplayer and in Zombies.
In Multiplayer, simply use the Care Package Scorestreak and earn it in a match. Care Packages will randomly appear as a Scare Package instead, and the spawn rate seems to be inconsistent. So don’t fret if you get a regular Care Package instead; Just keep trying. For best results, boot up a match on Nuketown and keep earning Care Packages. After a few attempts, you’ll earn a Scare Package. These are large pumpkin-orange crates that give you goodies.
The other way to earn a Scare Package is to play Zombies. Using this method is much more consistent. Simply play any Zombies map to round six and a Scare Package will always spawn somewhere within the stage. Do it enough times, and this challenge will be completed. You’ll then be one step closer to earning the LAPA SMG.
Call of Duty’s The Haunting event runs until November 2.