Baldur’s Gate 3 already has a host of beloved party members, but with the game’s patch 7 update, it adds yet another. Well, sort of. The Bard Alfina has been a major side character since the game’s release, but the latest update makes her a full-fledged party member, for a limited time. Recruiting Alfira in Baldur’s Gate 3 and keeping her in the party can be a bit complicated, so we’ll walk you through the whole, updated, process.
Requirements For Recruiting Alfira
Alfira can still be found by other characters, but only recruited by Dark Urge.
Before anything, there’s a very specific requirement you need to fulfill in order to recruit Alfira, you need to play the Dark Urge. This is a specific origin that you’ll need to pick when creating your character and is typically seen as one of the bigger “evil” options of the game, although it doesn’t have to be. Dark Urge is the only character that can recruit Alfira, and if you haven’t experienced Dark Urge before it’s absolutely worth it — a huge portion of Baldur’s Gate 3’s story is locked away behind that specific character.
How to Recruit Alfira in Baldur’s Gate 3
Don’t make the mistake of getting too attached to Alfira.
Warning: minor spoilers for Act I ahead.
Alfira can join your party at nearly any point in Act I, although you’ll need to recruit her before you invade the Emerald Grove with the goblins, as she’ll perish in that battle. Alfira can technically join you anytime you take a Long Rest after reaching Emerald Grove, but it’s more likely to happen if you complete her quest. Alfira can first be found to the East of Druid’s Grove on a dirt path that’s by a cliff, playing the lute for a duo of squirrels. The exact coordinates are (X:282 Y:495).
Talk to her and you’ll learn she’s frustrated at being unable to compose a song, and you’ll be given two choices — help her come up with lyrics or perform together. Coming up with lyrics is a less riskier options and doesn’t require any skill checks, but playing the lute will require a Charisma check of 15, and then an additional difficulty check of 10. Either way, finish her quest out and listen to Alfira’s story.
Now you should be able to recruit Alira, but the trick is that she’ll randomly appear at your camp when you take a Long Rest. Make sure each time you do that, you tell one of your companions to wait at camp so you only have two party members. There’s no exact time Alfira will appear, just as we noted before make sure you take a few Long Rests to get her to appear before you invade Emerald Grove.
Once Alfira appears at your camp during the night she’ll ask to join, and if you accept her request, as of patch update 7, she’ll become a full party member. This means you can outfit her with new equipment, level her up, and all that. But there is a MAJOR catch.
Alfira will only be in your party until your next Long Rest, and although we won’t spoil exactly what happens, just know she’ll no longer be available after that next rest. It’s a brief boost to your party, so enjoy it while it lasts.