How one schwifty Animal Crossing player made the Rick and Morty garage
"Aw jeez, Rick we're in Animal Crossing!"

Long-time Rick and Morty fan Chris Nguyen has paid homage to the Adult Swim series in one of the few ways available to him in these times of self-isolation: by creating an identical replica of Rick’s garage workshop within his Animal Crossing: New Horizons island. Nguyen tells Inverse that just like in the multiverse of the show, the most difficult step in making this dream a reality was carefully crafting a Plumbus, but it was worth it to celebrate in time for Season 4's return.
Here's how he made it all happen on his island.
By using primarily items that are already available in the game, Nguyen made it seem as if Rick pranked Morty by warping him into the Animal Crossing universe, with his own character playing the role of Morty. Nguyen dressed his islander in a simple yellow shirt and blue jeans to stage a photo of his work. He posted it to Reddit Thursday where it garnered more than 62,000 upvotes and hundreds of comments in less than 24 hours.
“It only took a few days to put together,” he said. “Finding the items was the hard part. The only custom design was the portal [on the floor] and if you look closely there’s a Plumbus on the corkboard [in the back left of the picture].”
Nguyen's viral 'Animal Crossing' recreation of Rick's workshop.
Nguyen, an Australian comedian, tells Inverse that the response was beyond anything he ever could have imagined. He says that building Rick’s workshop didn’t take him much time, and he didn’t even have to use that many custom designs. The most difficult part was scavenging for the exact in-game items he needed to fill out the finer details of the workshop.
Nguyen was more than happy to share the QR Codes for both portal and Plumbus poster, which you can find below if you want to pepper your Animal Crossing home with a few Rick and Morty hat tips.
Like most larger images within the game, the portal is broken up into two customized panels that you’ll need to set next to each other to form the entire portal, but you can do so on just about any surface.
Everyone has a Plumbus in their home, so why not toss one up in your Animal Crossing bedroom wall, too?
If you want more TV-inspired custom designs from Nguyen, there could be many more where these came from soon. He tells Inverse that he’s become a bit of an Animal Crossing artist during his downtime, and that he’s already working on his next project to share with his newfound fans on Reddit.
While he was short on the details, he revealed that it would be themed after a “cult TV series from the '90s.” Inverse’s immediate guess was Twin Peaks, but since a player has already recreated the iconic Red Room from the David Lynch show, Nyguen might go in another direction.
He didn't want to share when he'd be done so we'll need to wait for him to "SHOW US WHAT HE'S GOT." In the meantime, consider checking out Adult Swim's mega-thread on Twitter with QR codes for designs from Rick and Morty and other series.
Rick and Morty Season 4 airs Sunday nights on Adult Swim at 11:30 p.m. Eastern.