Donald Trump's Bizarre 2012 Diet Coke Tweet Haunts Him
Back in 2012, Trump tweeted "I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke."

It’s understandably a nerve-wracking night. While the two presidential candidates wait along with the rest of the country for the poll results, according to several reports, Donald Trump is making himself quite comfortable at home, sipping a Diet Coke, according to confidant and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Trump is “watching everything even though I’m telling him not to,” Giuliani said, reported Robert Costa of the Washington Post, before adding that Trump was drinking Diet Coke.
But one of Trump’s most bizarre tweets in a long history of them was this chestnut from 2012: “I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.” The year 2012 is arguably the weirdest in the Trump Twitter library. This is one of the oddest and most memorable:
Sure, most of America already assumes that Trump isn’t the fittest politician due to his husky build. Not all Republicans can have Paul Ryan’s ripped physique, but Trump has insisted that he’s actually in pretty good shape. The former reality television host even had his good quack-of-a-doctor friend Dr. Oz weigh in, claiming that Trump has solid cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
So by Trump’s logic, only non-thin people drink Diet Coke. And what’s he drinking tonight? Diet Coke! Looks like somebody needs to lay off the taco bowls.
And this isn’t the first time that Donald has been caught drinking this soda. Earlier this summer he posted a picture of himself enjoying McDonald’s and some Diet Coke (presumably to cut down on calories for the whole meal).
As Inverse has previously covered, Trump is basically clinically obese according to his BMI. But now he’s also a fatty by his own words.
With Trump finally being forthcoming about his Diet Coke habits, this is perhaps the most transparent that the American people have seen him this entire election season. We’ll at least cheers to that.