Watch Drones Fly Through New Year's Eve Fireworks Around the World
Videographers from all over the globe took their drones out for a spin through fireworks this New Year's Eve.

What did your drone do this New Year’s Eve? Did it wobble through the air awkwardly over your driveway or did it fly hundreds of feet into the air and record fireworks scattered like glitter all around your hometown?
Either way, we hope you did more with your favorite flying Christmas gift than torment your neighbor’s dog. If that wasn’t the case, you’re in luck! Videographers with drones from all around the world used their 2016 New Year’s Eve to record fireworks displays from the clouds. Below is a selection of some of the more impressive moving images they captured.
This almost six minutes over Lima, Peru, allows you to hear the sounds of the popping fireworks and ogle the shocking display of flashing light. Lima looks like a real life Lite-Brite from the air.
This drone-owner chose a traditional holiday tune to pair up with a much more modest, but no less impressive fireworks display taken in Skopje, Macedonia.
Don’t be surprised if you’re compelled to dance your way through this video of the Dutch city of Heerlerheide. The soundtrack launches with a dude singing Kelly Clarkson, and nothing quite says “Happy New Year!” like the tunes of the first-season American Idol winner.
Hold on to your chair for this bad boy. We’re imagining it was chilly in Tallinn, Estonia, when this crazy beautiful drone got up close and personal with these dramatic fireworks.
Sydney, Australia, welcomed in the New Year to the sounds of Men at Work, which duh, it’s the land “Down Under.” But don’t worry, this video jazzes things up just after the three minute mark.
The final video was taken in Funchal, Portugal, and it’s as stunning a display as you’ll ever see from the ground or heavens.