'Fortnite' Gas Station Locations: Where to Spray Them for Spray & Play
Follow our tips to complete this one in a single match.
by Corey PlanteThe Fortnite: Battle Royale Season X, Week 2 bundle of challenges — dubbed the “Spray & Play” mission and released Thursday — is all about spray emotes and tagging objects and places on the map. One of them has players spray “spray [three] different gas stations,” which should sound easy to most players who are familiar with the map. There are plenty of gas stations.
As of this writing, there are seven gas stations that’ll count towards this challenge. (If Neo Tilted weren’t in a Rift Zone and transformed into Tilted Town right now, there would be an eighth.)
All things considered, this challenge is very easy and a bit fun. A building is a large object for a challenge of this format, so there’s less chance of getting eliminated by enemies. You can tag anywhere in, on, or on the side of any part of the building and it’ll count.
Each red dot represents a gas station somewhere on the map.
For anyone who wants to complete this challenge in a single match, it’s absolutely possible. You’ll just want to focus on either the southern or the western cluster.
In the video at the top of this article, I landed at Pleasant Park for that gas station, followed the road south to the next one, and then ran towards the unnamed indoor soccer field between Snobby Shores and Neo Tilted. Running this in reverse might even be preferable, as Pleasant Park is a semi-popular landing destination.
The other option is to start either north of Lucky Landing or in southern Paradise Palms, and then sweep either east or west accordingly. There aren’t many Driftboards that can help, but there is one on the northern edge of Lucky Landing.
Even if you can’t manage to complete this in a single match, there’s really no rush. There’s no expiration on the Spray & Play mission beyond Season X’s end date.
Fortnite: Battle Royale Season X should end on or around October 5, 2019.